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摘要:目的 构建科学合理的公立医院公益性评价指标体系,并对现行公立医院的医疗卫生服务进行公益性评价。方法 采取德尔菲法构建公立医院公益性三级评价指标体系,采取调查研究法获取评价数据,应用TOPSIS法对数据进行统计分析。结果 12家公立医院的公益性评价指数在0.1502~0.5706,其中公益性评价指数高的医院主要在医疗服务质量、医疗救助、参与公共卫生服务等方面做的比较好,公益性评价指数比较低的医院主要是在医疗支援、患者满意度等方面做的不好。结论 公立医院的公益性评价指数都不高,需要强化公立医院的社会责任。
The Evaluation Index System Construction and Empirical Analysis of the Public Welfare on Public Hospital
YAO Zhong-jin
(School of Health Vocational Technology,Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510180,Guangdong,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo construct the scientific and reasonable evaluation index system of the public welfareand do the public evaluation for the current public hospital medical service. MethodsTo contruct evaluation index system of the public welfare through Delphy method, obtain evaluation data through the investigation method and analyze the data through application of TOPSIS method ......