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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月30日 《医学信息》 201417


    Problems and Countermeasures in Drug Management of Hospital

    KONG Xin-hua

    (Hanchuan City People's Hospital,Hanchuan 431600 ,Hubei,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo find the problems existing in the ward drug management, applying scientific management methods, improve the quality of medicines, ward management. MethodsOur hospital pharmacy department and nursing department organization management team on a regular basis to ward drug supervision, using "the p5 method "regulate ward drug management. ResultsAfter the p5 method management medicine expires, drug mixed feed, medicine, naked, and the period of validity is unknown, and not kept at low temperature showed a trend of gradual decline. ConclusionThe implementation of "the p5 method" management, can effectively improve ward drug expired and readjusting phenomenon, improve the safety of the drug. ......

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