摘要:目的对比研究低场强磁共振胰胆管造影(Magnetic Resonance Cholangiographic,MRCP)和超声(Ultrasound,US)检查对胆系结石的诊断价值。方法搜集本院经手术或内镜逆行性胰胆管造影(ERCP)证实的46例胆系结石患者的术前MRI、US检查,对其结果进行分析。结果MRCP符合率为89.1%,US检查的符合率为78.3%。结论超声检查因方便快捷为临床首选,低场强MRCP作为超声的重要补充检查,可提高结石的检出率,有助于临床制定更合理的治疗方案。关键词:低场强MRCP ;US ;胆系结石
The Value of Low Field MRCP Combined with US in Diagnosing Biliary Lithiasis
JIA Wei,LIU Ya-long
(The People’s Hospital of Wenjiang District, Chengdu 611130,Sichuan, China)
Abstract:Objective Toinvestigatethe diagnostic value oflow field MRCP combined withUS in diagnosing biliary lithiasis.MethodsAnalyze the MRCP and US date of 46 biliary lithiasis cases that confirmed by surgery or ERCP.Results The coincidence rate by MRCP was 89.1% and US was 78.3 %.Conclusion Ultrasound preferred because convenient for clinical examination, important supplemented by low field MRCP examination can improve the detection rate of biliary lithiasis,and be helpful to develop a more rational clinical treatment .
Key words:Low field MRCP;US;Biliary calculi近年来 ......
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