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http://www.100md.com 2014年6月4日 张莉



    Veith本:In order to examine whether Yin or Yang predominates one must distinguish a gentle pulse and one of low tension from a hard and bounding pulse.During a disease of Yang,Yin predominates;and during a disease of Yin,Yang predominates.When vigor and constitution are determined,everything is in its proper place[4].

    李本:[In diagnosing diseases,it is very important]to differentiate Yin and Yang as well as softness and firmness.Yang diseases can be cured by treating Yin and Yin diseases can be cured by treating Yang.[In treating diseases,one must try to] decide[whether the disease is at]blood[phase or]Qi[phase]and make sure the location[of the disease] [5].


    3 结语






    [4]Veith Ilza.The Yellow Emperor’S Classic of Internal Medicine[M].Taipei:Southern Materials Center Inc,1982:45-115.

    [5]李照国.《黄帝内经·素问》[M].Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine-Plain Conversation.西安:世界图书出版社.


