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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月5日 《医学信息》 20155
     摘要:目的 探讨X线腹部平片在检查体内藏毒中的诊断价值,提高准确率。方法 总结和分析85例经公安部门证实有体内藏毒疑犯的X线影像表现。结果 体内藏毒人员的X线片表现为多发、散在或聚集的圆形、圆柱形或团块状高密度影,周围有宽约1~3mm不等的线状气体透亮影,具有其独特的影像表现。结论 X线腹部平片能准确判断体内毒品的位置、数量,并可估计毒品的排出时间,为打击毒品犯罪提供有力的佐证。


    Application Experiences of Checking the Drugs Hiding in the Stomach or Intestine with X-ray

    LI Yu-chang

    (Department of Radiology,Midu County People's Hospital,Midu 675600,Yunnan,China)

    Abstract:Objective For X-ray plain abdominal radiography in the body of the diagnostic value of drug possession, improve the accuracy.Methods Summary and analysis of 85 cases confirmed by public security departments have poison the body X-ray manifestation of the suspect.Results Poison the body personnel of X ray film is characterized by multiple ......

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