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http://www.100md.com 2015年3月26日 《医学信息》 201512
     摘要:目的 探讨用血风险的控制措施。方法 通过分析2014年上半年内用血安全隐患病例,探讨出有效的风险控制措施。结果 通过一系列风险控制措施的强制实施,能及时发现血型错误,有效地遏制用血安全事故的发生。结论 通过常规建立血型档案、血型检测双标本核查、单独2次采血、采血后现场贴标签、培训和专项质控等方法,可以确保患者血型正确,在关键环节上保证了用血安全,能有效地控制用血风险,确保患者生命安全。

    关键词:常规血型存档;血型检测双标Abstract:Objective To discuss the measures to control the risk in blood use. Methods Effective measures to control the blood use risk were discussed by analyze the security incidents in blood use in the first half year of 2014.Results Mistakes in blood type-matching were discovered by means of forced control measures and security and blood use security incidents were effectively reduced ......
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