4 预后
[1] 中华眼科学(下册) /李凤鸣主编.第2版-北京:人民卫生出版社,2004.11 .
[2] 视网膜脱离显微手术学/刘文著.北京:人民卫生出版社,2007.4.
[3] M ichael SK, A lessandro AC,M arco A Z. Endoph thalm itis [J].Surv Oph thalmo l, 1998, 43: 193- 224.
[4] Strmen P, H lavackova K, Ferkova S, et al. Endoph thalm itisafter intraocular interventions [J].Klin Monatsbl A ugen2heikd, 1997, 211 (4):245-249.
[5] Endoph thalm itis V itrectomy Study Group. Results of the endoph2thalm itis vitrectomy study:A random ized trial of immediate vitrectomyand of intravenous antibio tics fo r the treatment of po stoperative bacte2rial endoph thalm itis[J].A rch Oph thalmo l, 1995, 113: 1479.
[6] Stonecipher KG,A inbinder DJ ,M axwell DP, et al. Infectious endoph2thalm itis: A review of 100 cases[J].A nn Oph thalmo l2Glaucoma, 1994,26: 108.
[7] Thompson WS, Rubsamen PE, Flynm HW. Endophthalmitis after penetrating trauma, risk factors and outcomes[J].Ophthalmology ,1995;102:1696-1701.
编辑/许言, 百拇医药(李威东)
[1] 中华眼科学(下册) /李凤鸣主编.第2版-北京:人民卫生出版社,2004.11 .
[2] 视网膜脱离显微手术学/刘文著.北京:人民卫生出版社,2007.4.
[3] M ichael SK, A lessandro AC,M arco A Z. Endoph thalm itis [J].Surv Oph thalmo l, 1998, 43: 193- 224.
[4] Strmen P, H lavackova K, Ferkova S, et al. Endoph thalm itisafter intraocular interventions [J].Klin Monatsbl A ugen2heikd, 1997, 211 (4):245-249.
[5] Endoph thalm itis V itrectomy Study Group. Results of the endoph2thalm itis vitrectomy study:A random ized trial of immediate vitrectomyand of intravenous antibio tics fo r the treatment of po stoperative bacte2rial endoph thalm itis[J].A rch Oph thalmo l, 1995, 113: 1479.
[6] Stonecipher KG,A inbinder DJ ,M axwell DP, et al. Infectious endoph2thalm itis: A review of 100 cases[J].A nn Oph thalmo l2Glaucoma, 1994,26: 108.
[7] Thompson WS, Rubsamen PE, Flynm HW. Endophthalmitis after penetrating trauma, risk factors and outcomes[J].Ophthalmology ,1995;102:1696-1701.
编辑/许言, 百拇医药(李威东)