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编辑/冯焱, 百拇医药(王虎)
[11] 肖育权,许丽娇.60例冠心病患者血清载脂蛋白Al和B的检测分析[J].现代医院,2009,9(3):84-85.
[13]Sehwm'zer R.SchneU.JndeHt P,Grabein K,et a1.Prognostic value and clinical effectiveness of high sensitivity C-reactive protein ag 8 marker in primary preventionof mior cardiac events[J].Z EridFortbild Qual Gesundhwes,2009。103:319-329.
[14] Yeh ET.High.sensitivity C,reactive protein∞a risk assessment tool for cardiovascular disease[J].Clin Cardiol,2005,28:408-412.
[15] Buckley D1,Fu R,Freeman M,et a1.C-reactive protein∞a risk factor for coronary heart disease:a systematic reviw and metaanalyses for the U.S[J].Ann Intern Med,2009,51:483-495.
[16] Zieske AW,Tracy RP,Mcmahan CA,et a1.Elevated serum C.reactive protein levels and advanced athemsclerosis in youth[J].Arterioscler tmmb Vase BioI,2005,25:1237-1243.
[17] Hoffmeister HM,Ehhrs R.Buttcher E,et a1.Relationship bet,.reen
minor myocardial damage and inflammatoxy acute·phase reaction inacute coronary syndronles[J].J Thromb Thromblysis,2003,15:33-39.
编辑/冯焱, 百拇医药(王虎)