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[7]L levado t J,Murasaw a S,Kure ish iY et al1HMG - CoA reductase inhititio rm ob ilizes bonem arrow - der ived endo thelial progenitor ce lls[J].J C lin Invest,2001; 108 ( 3): 399- 405
[8]A ssmus B,Urb ich C,A icher A et al1HMG - CoA reductase inhibitors reduce senescence and increase pro liftera tion or endothelia l progenitor ce lls v ia regulation of cell cycleregu la to ry genes[J].C irc Res,2003; 92 ( 9): 1049- 1055.
编辑/翟辰万, http://www.100md.com(张艳良 池莲 徐咏梅 杨玲 杨秀卿)
[3]Raym ond I,Gu ilbert F,W eil l A,et al1 Long-term angiograph ic recurrences after selective endovascu lar treatm en t of aneurysm sw ith detachab lecoils[J].S trock,2003,34( 6 ) : 1398-14031.
[4]Deshaies EM,B agla S,A gner C,et a.l Determ ination of fill ing volum es inH ydroCo il- treated aneu rysm s by using three- d imension alcom pu terized tom ography ang iography [J].Neu rosurg Focus,2005,18(2):5.
[5]Sluzewski M,Menovsky T,van Rooij WJ,et al. Coiling of very large orgiant cerebral aneurysms: longterm clinical and serial angiographic result[ J]. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol,2003; 24(2):257-262.
[6]Tian X Y,Wong W T,Xu A,et al.Rosuvastatin improves endothelial function in db /db mice: role of angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptors and oxidative stress[J].Br J Pharmacol,2011,164( 2b):598 -606.
[7]L levado t J,Murasaw a S,Kure ish iY et al1HMG - CoA reductase inhititio rm ob ilizes bonem arrow - der ived endo thelial progenitor ce lls[J].J C lin Invest,2001; 108 ( 3): 399- 405
[8]A ssmus B,Urb ich C,A icher A et al1HMG - CoA reductase inhibitors reduce senescence and increase pro liftera tion or endothelia l progenitor ce lls v ia regulation of cell cycleregu la to ry genes[J].C irc Res,2003; 92 ( 9): 1049- 1055.
编辑/翟辰万, http://www.100md.com(张艳良 池莲 徐咏梅 杨玲 杨秀卿)