摘要:目的 验证经络辨证结合颈部取穴治疗耳鸣耳聋的临床疗效。方法 将21例患者进行针刺治疗,取穴:耳门、听宫、听会、凤池、翳风、颈夹脊穴、中渚、合谷、太冲。结果 通过对21例患者的治疗,分析颈部及耳周穴位对治疗耳鸣耳聋的重要作用。结论 通过对缓解颈部肌肉的张力,改善椎基底动脉和内听动脉的供血,进一步改善脑血氧的供应。关键词:耳鸣耳聋;针灸治疗;结合颈部取穴
Treatment of Tinnitus and Hearing Loss by the Combination of the Meridians and Acupoints and Neck Acupoints
(Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Huangshan City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Huangshan 245000,Anhui,China)
Abstract:Objective To validate the clinical effect of treating deafness and tinnitus by selecting acupuncture points around the neck according to syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals.Methods Acupuncture treatment in 21cases.Acupuncture points selection:Ermen point ......
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