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http://www.100md.com 2016年7月30日 《医学信息》 2016年第30期
     摘要:目的 研究分析腹腔镜下阴式子宫全切术和开腹子宫全切术的临床医学治疗价值。方法 随机抽取2013年1月~2015年1月来我院治疗子宫肌瘤患者100例,其中有50例患者是进行的腹腔镜下阴式子宫全切术,50例患者进行的是传统开腹子宫全切术,研究分析两组手术所用时间、手术过程中出血量、肛门排气时间、留置尿管时间、术后腹痛消失时间以及住院天数。结果 50例腹腔镜下阴式子宫全切术的患者平均手术时间要比开腹子宫全切术患者的时间长,手术过程中出血量要少于开腹子宫全切术,除此之外,手术后肛门排气时间、留置尿管时间、术后腹痛消失时间以及住院天数均要比开腹子宫全切术的时间短,具有明显的统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜下阴式子宫全切术要比开腹子宫全切术的治疗效果好,值得在临床医学上大力推广。


    Laparoscopic Uterine Yin Type Full Cut Method and Cut Open the Womb all Clinical Comparative Analysis
, 百拇医药
    SONG Ping

    (Chengdu Maria Wemen & Children's Hospital,Chengdu 610051,Sichuan,China)

    Abstract:Objective To study the analysis of laparoscopic uterine full cut method and Yin type open the womb all cut method of clinical therapeutic value. Methods Randomly between January 2013 and January 2013 to the hospital treatment of 100 patients with uterine fibroids, there are 50 cases is Yin type of laparoscopic uterine full cut method, 50 cases of uterus cut method, is a traditional laparotomy study used two groups of operation time, the bleeding, anal exhaust time, in the process of operation time, postoperative abdominal pain disappeared time placing a urinary catheter and hospitalization days. Results In 50 cases of laparoscopic Yin type patients with uterine full cut method of the average operation time than cut open the womb all were made a long time, blood loss during surgery to less than open the womb all cut method, in addition, anal exhaust time, after the operation time, postoperative abdominal pain disappeared time placing a urinary catheter and hospitalization days were uterus than laparotomy all cut short of time, has the obvious statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Laparoscopic Yin type full cut method than laparotomy and all the uterus cut method of the treatment effect is good, is worth promoting in clinical medicine.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:All laparoscopic Yin type of uterus cut method; Open the womb all cut method; Clinical analysis


    1 资料与方法

    1.1一般方法 随机选取2013年1月~2015年1月来我院进行治疗子宫肌瘤的100例患者,将其随机分为腹腔镜组和传统组。两组患者年龄均为35~65岁,平均年龄为(43.4±2.8)岁。这100例患者均为经产妇,子宫<12 w,是非脱垂性子宫而且活动性良好。腹腔镜组和传统组在人数、年龄、体重、手术史以及基础疾病等现象都没有差异,具有可比性。
, 百拇医药
    1.2方法 将患者肠道和阴道准备好后,腹腔镜手术患者均采用气管内插管全身麻醉,取膀胱截石位,在肚脐的下缘切口,用10mm trocar进行穿刺,建立气腹后,将腹腔镜通过trocar对腹腔、盆腔内进行探查,对子宫病变位置、大小、周围血管组织等进行观察。在腹腔镜监视下在麦氏点和反麦氏点分别置入5mm trocar。通过阴道放入举宫器,将子宫举起。用双极电凝钳电凝双侧子宫园韧带、输卵管的狭窄部位,并用剪刀剪断[2]。然后将阔韧带剪开到子宫血管处,向腹膜反折处延伸,在宫颈处汇合,将膀胱推到宫颈外口。再经阴道手术时取出举宫器,将宫颈暴露在外,环形切开宫颈阴道交界处的黏膜,再沿着膀胱以及直肠的间隙将宫颈推开,阴道拉钩拉开膀胱和直肠,切断缝扎膀胱宫颈韧带和子宫主、骶韧带,切断、缝扎子宫血管,术中使用可吸收止血夹结扎。取出子宫,缝合阴道内口,若在取出过程中困难则可以将其对半切开。在腹腔镜下用生理盐水对盆腔进行冲洗,吸净血凝块,检查盆腔是否有渗血以及损伤。传统组则是用连续硬膜外麻醉或者全身麻醉,其他步骤同腹腔镜手术组,术中采用金属钛夹[3]。, 百拇医药(宋苹)
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