摘要:目的 讨论椎管造影在胸腰椎爆裂骨折伴椎管占位手术中的应用。方法 统计分析本院自2008年2月~2013年12月手术治疗的胸腰椎爆裂骨折并椎管占位的34例病例。分组观察比较两组手术时间、术中失血量、手术前、手术后及手术后1年伤椎椎体高度、后弓角(Cobb氏法)等项目的测量。手术前、手术后及术后1年Frankel分类。结果 对照组减压例数为13例,实验组减压例数为5例,对两组数据运用SPSS 22.0行χ2检验,P=0.015,差异有统计学意义。运用t检验比较两组手术时间及失血量、手术前、后及术后1年伤椎椎体高度、Cobb氏角,差异无统计学意义。结论 椎管造影可显著减少不必要的椎板开窗减压,减少对脊柱稳定性的进一步破坏。
Abstract:Objective To discuss the myelography in thoracolumbar bursting fractures with spinal operation.Methods Statistical analysis of 34 cases in our hospital from February 2008 to December 2013 the operation treatments of thoracolumbar bursting fractures and spinal stenosis. Groups were compared between the two groups of operation time, intraoperative blood loss. Respectively comparison with the vertebral height,posterior arch angle (Cobb's method) and Frankel classification of preoperation, postoperation and 1 years after the operation. Results In the control group, the number of decompression of spinal canal is 13 cases, experimental group decompression for 5 cases, the two groups of data using the SPSS 22 with square test, P=0.015, the difference was statistically significant. Using t test to compare the two groups in operation time and blood loss, the vertebral height, Cobb's angle in preoperation, postoperation and after 1 years, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion Myelography can significantly reduce unnecessary fenestration decompression, reduce the damage to the stability of the spine.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Myelography;Thoracolumbar bursting fracture;Vertebral canal stenosis;Operation;Decompression
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 男性19例,女性15例。年龄28~58岁,平均41.6岁。骨折部位:T11 4例,T12 11例,L1 8例,L2 10例,T12及L1 1例。受伤后到手术时间3~140 h,平均47 h。受伤机制:重物砸伤8例、交通事故17例、高处坠落伤9例。神经损伤程度:Frankel分类:A级2例,B级5例,C级12例,D级7例,E级8例。入院后均予伤椎X线检查、CT及MRI检查均明确诊断为爆裂性骨折,椎管内占位情况按Wolter指数分为:1:8例,2:20例,3:6例。
, 百拇医药
1.2分组 上述病例按Frankel分类、Wolter指数平均随机分为两组,每组各17例(表1)。均行手术治疗,手术方式为切开复位GSS内固定术。对照组Wolter指数1级者不行减压治疗,2级以上有脊髓神经损伤表现者均行减压治疗。实验组所有病例均行椎管造影后视椎管造影通畅情况决定是否须行椎板开窗减压。
1.3观察指标 对比两组减压例数、手术时间、失血量、手术前、后及术后1年伤椎椎体高度、后弓角(Cobb氏法)等项目的测量。手术前、后及术后1年Frankel分类。
1.4方法 所有患者入院后均即予激素应用、甘露醇脱水、神经节苷脂营养神经等治疗,完善检查及排除手术禁忌后行手术治疗。手术由同一医师主刀完成。手术采取全身麻醉,俯卧位,后正中切口,用Weinsteim法确定椎弓根进针点[4],合适的椎弓根螺钉钻入。连接棒预弯后置入,撑开复位伤椎,使伤椎后凸及压缩得以恢复。, http://www.100md.com(陈志祥 郝成俊 崔文峰)
Abstract:Objective To discuss the myelography in thoracolumbar bursting fractures with spinal operation.Methods Statistical analysis of 34 cases in our hospital from February 2008 to December 2013 the operation treatments of thoracolumbar bursting fractures and spinal stenosis. Groups were compared between the two groups of operation time, intraoperative blood loss. Respectively comparison with the vertebral height,posterior arch angle (Cobb's method) and Frankel classification of preoperation, postoperation and 1 years after the operation. Results In the control group, the number of decompression of spinal canal is 13 cases, experimental group decompression for 5 cases, the two groups of data using the SPSS 22 with square test, P=0.015, the difference was statistically significant. Using t test to compare the two groups in operation time and blood loss, the vertebral height, Cobb's angle in preoperation, postoperation and after 1 years, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion Myelography can significantly reduce unnecessary fenestration decompression, reduce the damage to the stability of the spine.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Myelography;Thoracolumbar bursting fracture;Vertebral canal stenosis;Operation;Decompression
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 男性19例,女性15例。年龄28~58岁,平均41.6岁。骨折部位:T11 4例,T12 11例,L1 8例,L2 10例,T12及L1 1例。受伤后到手术时间3~140 h,平均47 h。受伤机制:重物砸伤8例、交通事故17例、高处坠落伤9例。神经损伤程度:Frankel分类:A级2例,B级5例,C级12例,D级7例,E级8例。入院后均予伤椎X线检查、CT及MRI检查均明确诊断为爆裂性骨折,椎管内占位情况按Wolter指数分为:1:8例,2:20例,3:6例。
, 百拇医药
1.2分组 上述病例按Frankel分类、Wolter指数平均随机分为两组,每组各17例(表1)。均行手术治疗,手术方式为切开复位GSS内固定术。对照组Wolter指数1级者不行减压治疗,2级以上有脊髓神经损伤表现者均行减压治疗。实验组所有病例均行椎管造影后视椎管造影通畅情况决定是否须行椎板开窗减压。
1.3观察指标 对比两组减压例数、手术时间、失血量、手术前、后及术后1年伤椎椎体高度、后弓角(Cobb氏法)等项目的测量。手术前、后及术后1年Frankel分类。
1.4方法 所有患者入院后均即予激素应用、甘露醇脱水、神经节苷脂营养神经等治疗,完善检查及排除手术禁忌后行手术治疗。手术由同一医师主刀完成。手术采取全身麻醉,俯卧位,后正中切口,用Weinsteim法确定椎弓根进针点[4],合适的椎弓根螺钉钻入。连接棒预弯后置入,撑开复位伤椎,使伤椎后凸及压缩得以恢复。, http://www.100md.com(陈志祥 郝成俊 崔文峰)
参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 骨科 > 骨折