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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月22日 《医学信息》 2017年第3期
     摘要:目的 观察自制止血棉球在拔牙中的临床应用效果。方法 择取200例拔牙患者,随机分为自制止血棉球止血组(观察组)及普通棉球止血组(对照组),拔牙术后运用棉球止血20~25 min,觀察对比两组患者的止血效果、棉球粘连及脱落情况、术后24h创面渗血情况、老年和幼龄患者咬合舒适度及棉球吸收性等指标。结果 观察组拔牙后创面止血速度快,止血成功率、咬合舒适度及棉球吸收性均明显优于对照组;观察组的棉球粘连及脱落、术后24 h创面渗血均显著比对照组少,两组患者在止血效果方面存在着明显的统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 自制的新型止血棉球,能使拔牙术后创面有效止血,减少填塞时间,防止出血、感染、创面粘连等并发症,从而减轻患者痛苦,最大限度降低医疗成本,值得临床推广借鉴。


    Application of Self - made Hemostatic Cotton Balls in Extraction Wound
, 百拇医药
    YANG Ye,LAI Xiang-yan,LAI Wen-hong,GAO Zhen,HUANG Qing-yun

    (First Affiliated Hospitalof Gannan Medical University,Ganzhou 341000,Jiangxi ,China)

    Abstract:Objective To observe the clinical application effect of self-made hemostatic cotton ball in tooth extraction.Methods 200 tooth extraction patients,were selected were randomly divided into two groups: control group (control group) and control group,after the use of cotton balls bleeding tooth bleeding 20~25 minutes,to observe and compare the hemostasis effect of the two groups of patients, adhesion and shedding of cotton balls, bleeding after 24 hours, elderly and young patients with occlusal comfort and absorption of cotton and other indicators.Results The observation group was quick to stop bleeding after tooth extraction,the success rate of hemostasis, occlusal comfort and absorbent cotton were significantly better than the control group;The observation group cotton adhesion and fall off, 24 hours after the surgery wound errhysis was significantly less than the control group,there was significant statistical difference between the two groups in hemostasis effect (P<0.05).Conclusion A new homemade tampon, can make effective hemostasis after tooth extraction wound, reduce packing time, prevent bleeding, wound infection, adhesions and other complications,So as to alleviate the suffering of patients, to reduce the cost of medical treatment, it is worth clinical promotion.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Self - made;Extraction of the wound;Hemostasis;Applied research



    1.1一般资料 选取2014年9月~2016年8月口腔科行拔牙术患者,共198例。将研究的对象按就诊次序划分成观察组与对照组,每组各99例,观察组采用自制止血棉球止血,而对照组则采用常用的普通棉球止血。其中,观察组牙周病牙75例,残根24例,男性68例,女性31例,年龄30~72岁;对照组牙周病牙71例,残根28例,男性61例,女性38例,年龄28~70岁;所有入选病例均进行病史询问、接受专科检查及拍摄牙片,均无全身系统性疾病,凝血四项正常,无其他拔牙禁忌症。两组的患者资料比较没有显著的统计学差异,即P>0.05,因此,研究的结果具有可比性。, 百拇医药(杨烨 赖相燕 赖文鸿 高振 黄清云)
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