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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月19日 《医学信息》 2017年第7期
     摘要:目的 探讨“反问应答式”核查患儿姓名在儿科护理操作中的应用效果,探索更适合、更为安全、规范的儿科护理操作查对模式。方法 选取2015年6月~2016年6月在儿科住院的患儿2400例,随机分为试验组和对照组各1200例。将我科20名护理人员随机分为实验组和对照组各10名,对照组采用常规方法查对,即“三查七对”;试验组采用“反问应答式”查对法,该查对法在常规“三查七对”的基础上增加了请患儿家长参与到护理查对的过程,即在“三查七对”查对制度的基础上加用礼貌用语,反问患儿姓名,待家长能准确回答出患儿的姓名,护士与治疗单或检查单患儿姓名核查无误后,再进行护理操作,将患儿的姓名作为查对的核心。结果 试验组不良事件发生例数及不良事件发生率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 “反问应答式”查对法可明显提升儿科护理操作的查对效果,保证了患儿的安全,降低了儿科护理不良事件发生率,是更为安全、更适合儿科的护理操作查对模式值得在临床上推广应用。

, http://www.100md.com
    the Application of the Response Verification Method in Pediatric Nursing Operation

    WANG Yan,WU Lan-hua

    (Department of Pediatrics,the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830054,Xinjiang,China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the application effect of "Asked the responder"verification patient's name in pediatric nursing operation,to explore a more suitable,more safety,pediatric nursing operation standard to check the model.Methods From June 2015 ~2016 year in June in the pediatric patients 2400 cases,randomly divided into experimental group and control group with 1200 cases in each group.20 nurses in the department were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.The control group was treated by routine method,that is,"three check seven pairs";the test group used the"Asked the responder"to check the law,the investigation of the law in the conventional"three check seven pairs"on the basis of the increase in the parents of children involved in nursing care of the process,that is,in the "three check seven pairs",on the basis of the system with polite language, asked the patient name,until the parents can accurately answer the child's name,nurses and treatment list or check the name of the children check the correct,and then nursing operation,the child's name as the core of the check.Results The number of adverse events and the incidence of adverse events in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion "Asked the responder" check method can significantly enhance the effect of pediatric nursing operation check, ensure the safety of patients,reduce the incidence of pediatric nursing adverse events that is safer,more suitable for pediatric nursing operation.It is worthy of clinical application of the model.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Asked the responder;Check system;Children;Nursing operation

    高質量护理的基础是护理安全,护理安全也是优质护理服务的关键。在临床护理工作中严格执行查对制度是预防护理差错事故的重要措施[1-2]。制度的有效执行是减少医疗纠纷和护理投诉的最佳措施。临床护理工作中查对制度是否落实到位,关系到整个医院的医疗护理安全[3,5]。查对制度在临床护理中是一刻也不能马虎的[6-7]。在儿科护理操作中,由于工作环境嘈杂、陪护多、家长情绪紧张要求过急、护士发音不准、患儿家长听错姓名,两个患儿名字发音相似甚至同名同姓等情况,时有发生,造成运用传统“三查七对”的查对方法时出现实际执行情况存在较大差异的问题。新疆医科大学第一附属医院儿科自2015年6月尝试将“反问应答式”查对法作为儿科护理操作的查对方法,即在查对时采用反问家长的形式,来再次确认患儿的姓名。如在给患儿治疗及护理时,先反问家长他们家宝贝叫什么名字,在得到确认后,再给患儿进行治疗及护理,查对失误明显降低,护理操作安全性明显提升,护患关系明显改善。现报告如下:, 百拇医药(王燕 吴兰华)
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