摘要:目的 探讨口腔颌面部鳞癌经125I放射性粒子治疗后的近期疗效。方法 选择2015年6月~2016年8月在徐州医科大学口腔科就诊的口腔颌面部鳞癌患者13例,以放射性粒子定向植入治疗系统(treatment planning system,TPS)为参考,确定植入125I放射性粒子的粒子数、布源情况及进针方向。粒子间隔0.5~1.0 cm,活度为10.4~37.0 MBq。术后观察治疗效果及不良反应。结果 全部患者手术过程顺利,术后复查CT未见粒子移位、丢失等。随访观察4~20个月,治愈有效率为69.23%,术后未出现严重放疗并发症。结论 125I放射性粒子植入适用于口腔颌面部鳞癌患者的治疗,具有组织损伤小,安全可靠,能提高患者生存率并有效保存口咽功能。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the curative effect of 125I radioactive particles after treatment of oral maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma. Methods From June 2015~2016 year in August 13 cases in the Department of Stomatology,Xuzhou Medical University oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma patients with radioactive particles implantation in the treatment of directional system(treatment planning system,TPS)as a reference to determine the number of implantation of 125I radioactive particles,cloth the source and the needle direction.The particle spacing of 0.5~1.0 cm,the activity of 10.4~37.0 MBq.Postoperative therapeutic effects and adverse reactions were observed.Results All patients underwent a successful operation,and there was no particle displacement or loss after the operation.The follow-up observation was 4~20 months, the effective rate was 69.23%,and there was no severe complication of radiotherapy after CT.Conclusion 125I radioactive particle implantation is suitable for the treatment of oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma with little tissue damage,safe and reliable,can improve the survival rate of patients,and effectively preserve the oropharynx function.
, 百拇医药
Key words:125I radioactive particles;Oral maxillofacial region;Squamous cell carcinoma;Survival rate
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 选择2015年6月~2016年8月就诊于我科的口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者,均经活体组织病理证实为口腔颌面部鳞状细胞癌,共13例,男8例,女5例,年龄在56~86岁,平均年龄72.3岁。13例患者因身体状况无法耐受手术或因手术影响生存质量而拒绝手术治疗。其中舌癌3例,牙龈癌2例,腭癌2例,颌面部皮肤癌2例,颊黏膜癌1例,口咽癌2例,口底癌1例。
, 百拇医药
1.2材料和设备 粒子植入器械采用国产18G植入针和植入枪,宁波君安药业科技有限公司;计算机三维治疗计划系统(treatment planning system, TPS)和质量验证系统,上海亚医科技有限公司。放射性粒子源,外包壳材料钛管外径0.8 mm,长度4.5 mm,半衰期59.6 d,平均能量(27.4~35.5)KV,每颗粒子放射活度10.4~37.0 MBq。
1.3.1术前准备 所有病例均经病理证实并明确适应症完善术前常规检查。将患者术前螺旋CT影像资料输入TPS系统,计算出多层面(立体)种植计划,肿瘤组织匹配周边剂量(matched peripheral dose,MPD)110~140 Gy,参考点选择在靶区外0.5~1.0 cm,定义90%等剂量线为参考点剂量,种植通道间距为1.0 cm。同时注意肿瘤周围组织器官所受的剂量在正常耐受范围内。, 百拇医药(张巍 孙晋虎)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the curative effect of 125I radioactive particles after treatment of oral maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma. Methods From June 2015~2016 year in August 13 cases in the Department of Stomatology,Xuzhou Medical University oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma patients with radioactive particles implantation in the treatment of directional system(treatment planning system,TPS)as a reference to determine the number of implantation of 125I radioactive particles,cloth the source and the needle direction.The particle spacing of 0.5~1.0 cm,the activity of 10.4~37.0 MBq.Postoperative therapeutic effects and adverse reactions were observed.Results All patients underwent a successful operation,and there was no particle displacement or loss after the operation.The follow-up observation was 4~20 months, the effective rate was 69.23%,and there was no severe complication of radiotherapy after CT.Conclusion 125I radioactive particle implantation is suitable for the treatment of oral and maxillofacial squamous cell carcinoma with little tissue damage,safe and reliable,can improve the survival rate of patients,and effectively preserve the oropharynx function.
, 百拇医药
Key words:125I radioactive particles;Oral maxillofacial region;Squamous cell carcinoma;Survival rate
1 资料与方法
1.1一般资料 选择2015年6月~2016年8月就诊于我科的口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者,均经活体组织病理证实为口腔颌面部鳞状细胞癌,共13例,男8例,女5例,年龄在56~86岁,平均年龄72.3岁。13例患者因身体状况无法耐受手术或因手术影响生存质量而拒绝手术治疗。其中舌癌3例,牙龈癌2例,腭癌2例,颌面部皮肤癌2例,颊黏膜癌1例,口咽癌2例,口底癌1例。
, 百拇医药
1.2材料和设备 粒子植入器械采用国产18G植入针和植入枪,宁波君安药业科技有限公司;计算机三维治疗计划系统(treatment planning system, TPS)和质量验证系统,上海亚医科技有限公司。放射性粒子源,外包壳材料钛管外径0.8 mm,长度4.5 mm,半衰期59.6 d,平均能量(27.4~35.5)KV,每颗粒子放射活度10.4~37.0 MBq。
1.3.1术前准备 所有病例均经病理证实并明确适应症完善术前常规检查。将患者术前螺旋CT影像资料输入TPS系统,计算出多层面(立体)种植计划,肿瘤组织匹配周边剂量(matched peripheral dose,MPD)110~140 Gy,参考点选择在靶区外0.5~1.0 cm,定义90%等剂量线为参考点剂量,种植通道间距为1.0 cm。同时注意肿瘤周围组织器官所受的剂量在正常耐受范围内。, 百拇医药(张巍 孙晋虎)