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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《医学信息》 2017年第16期
     摘要:目的 探讨肛肠科疾病采用中药灌肠疗法的临床疗效。方法 选择本院于2015年6月~2016年6月收治的256例肛肠科疾病患者为研究对象,随机划分成观察组和对照组。前者根据患者的具体肛肠疾病情况采用中药灌肠治疗,后者采用西药治疗。观察和比较两组患者的治疗疗效。结果 在观察组中,72例痊愈,50例有效,6例无效,总治疗有效率达95.31%;在对照组中,62例痊愈,52例有效,14例无效,总治疗有效率达89.06%。观察组治疗疗效显著优于对照组,组间比较差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 通过在肛窦炎、直肠炎、溃疡性结肠炎以及便秘等肛肠科疾病临床治疗中引入中药灌肠疗法,有助于提升疾病治疗效率,加快患者康复,值得临床推广应用。


    中图分类号:R266 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)16-0052-02

    Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Enema with Chinese Medicine on Anorectal Diseases
, http://www.100md.com
    TONG Gui-fang

    (Department of Anorectal Diseases,Emeishan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Emeishan 614200,Sichuan,China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical effect of anorectal diseases using traditional Chinese medicine enema therapy.Methods 256 patients with anorectal diseases treated in our hospital from June 2015 to June 2016 were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group.The former was treated with Enema with Chinese medicine according to the specific anorectal diseases of the patients,and the latter was treated with Western medicine.The therapeutic effects of the two groups were observed and compared.Results In the observation group,72 cases were cured,50 cases effective,6 cases ineffective, the total effective rate of treatment was 95.31%;in the control group,62 cases were cured,52 cases effective,14 cases ineffective,the total effective rate of treatment was 89.06%.Treatment in observation group was significantly higher than the control group,significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion Through the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of anal sinusitis, proctitis,ulcerative colitis,constipation and other anorectal diseases in enema therapy,help to improve the treatment efficiency,accelerate the rehabilitation of patients,is worthy of clinical application.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Traditional Chinese medicine enema therapy;Anorectal;Rectitis;Colitis




    选择本院于2015年6月~2016年6月所收治的肛肠科疾病患者256例为研究对象,其中男142例,女114例;年龄20~58岁,平均年龄(38.4±3.3)岁;病程2~12年,平均病程(6.6±1.8)年。在256例肛肠疾病患者中,46例溃疡性结肠炎患者、112例便秘患者、62例直肠炎患者和36例肛窦炎患者。随机划分成观察组和对照组,每组128例患者。在观察组中的128例患者中,26例溃疡性结肠炎患者、54例便秘患者、32例直肠炎患者、16例肛窦炎患者;在对照组中的128例患者中,20例溃疡性结肠炎患者、58例便秘患者、30例直肠炎患者、20例肛窦炎患者。两组患者在性别、年龄、病程以及肛肠科疾病类型等一般情况方面不存在显著差异,具有可比性(P>0.05)。, 百拇医药(童桂芳)
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