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屈光不正患者PRK、LASIK 术后视觉质量的差异分析(1)
http://www.100md.com 2017年5月7日 《医学信息》 2017年第18期
     摘要:目的 分析屈光不正患者激光光學角膜切削术、准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术术后视觉质量的差异性。方法 对近视患者进行PRK、LASIK术前和术后3个月分别使用客观视觉质量分析仪检查,比较两组患者术后视觉质量的差异性。入选者年龄18~40岁,平均年龄(25.34±3.30)岁,主觉验光等效球镜度数为+1.50~-6.00 D,平均度数(-3.10±1.63)D。两种手术方式PRK17例(30只眼),LASIK33例(60眼)。比较调制传递函数截止频率、调制传递函数、斯特列尔比和眼内客观散射指数。结果 研究显示PRK和LASIK手术对视网膜成像质量均有明显影响,两者间差异无统计学意义。30cpd的MFT在PRK组下降了1050倍,在LASIK组下降了1.32倍。MTF截止频率频率在PRK组下降了1.04倍,在LASIK组下降了1.06倍。斯特列尔比分别下降1.10倍个1.07倍。PRK和LASIK分别增加了客观散射指数1.48倍和1.57倍。结论 双通道技术是临床上评估接受激光屈光手术后眼视觉质量的有用工具。PRK和LASIK对低到中度近视眼的视网膜成像质量影响相似。术后3个月,两种技术均会导致术后调制传递函数、MTF截止频率、斯特列尔比降低。而且,两种技术均增加通过OSI参数评估的眼内散射。但是尽管两种技术引起了视觉质量的变化,若考虑屈光不正的变化仍然认为患者术后视觉质量提高了。调制传递函数截止频率高于30 cpd、斯特列尔比接近0.3时,可认为视觉质量良好。因此,两种手术获得的视学质量均可接受,这也解释了患者未对最终视力结果产生不满的原因。
, 百拇医药

    中图分类号:R77 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)18-0064-03

    Abstract:Objective To analyze the difference of visual quality between laser optics keratectomy and excimer laser in situ keratomileusis in patients with refractive error.Methods PRK was performed in patients with myopia,LASIK preoperative and postoperative 3 months respectively using objective visual quality analyzer examination,differences in the visual quality of patients were compared between the two groups.Subjects aged 18~40 years old,the average age(25.34±3.30)years old,subjective refraction spherical equivalent degree is+1.50D~-6.00D.average(-3.10±1.63)D.PRK17 two surgical cases (30 eyes),LASIK33 cases(60 eyes).Comparison of modulation transfer function cutoff frequency,modulation transfer function,Stryker ratio and intraocular objective scattering index.Results The results showed that PRK and LASIK had a significant effect on the quality of retinal imaging, the difference was not statistically significant.30cpd MFT in the PRK group fell 1050 times in the LASIK group fell 1.32 times.MTF cutoff frequency decreased 1.04 times in PRK group and 1.06 fold in LASIK group.Streier ratio decreased by 1.10 times,respectively,1.07 times.PRK and LASIK increased the objective scattering index by 1.48 times and 1.57 times,respectively.Conclusion Dual-channel technique is a useful tool for assessing the visual quality of the eye after laser refractive surgery.PRK and LASIK had similar effects on retinal imaging quality in low to moderate myopia.At 3 months postoperatively,both techniques resulted in postoperative modulation transfer function,MTF cutoff frequency,and Stelller ratio decrease. Moreover,both techniques increase intraocular scatter as assessed by OSI parameters.However,despite the fact that the two techniques have caused a change in visual quality,the visual quality of the patient is considered to be improved if the change in refractive error is considered.The modulation transfer function of cut-off frequency is higher than 30cpd,Strehl ratio is close to 0.3,that good visual quality.Thus,the quality of the visualization obtained by both procedures is acceptable,which also explains why the patient is not dissatisfied with the final vision outcome., 百拇医药(刘开宇 李秀军)
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