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http://www.100md.com 2017年10月8日 《医学信息》 2017年第19期
     摘要:目的 研究补肾接骨汤对治疗四肢骨折后疼痛肿胀及骨折愈合的临床影响与意义。方法 选取我院骨伤科骨折患者100例作为研究对象随机分为A、B两组。对A组患者行常规治疗;B组在A组基础上联合补肾接骨汤治疗。比较两组患者不同药物治疗后总有效率,疼痛肿胀消失时间及骨折愈合时间等指标。结果 联合续断接骨汤治疗B组疾病治疗总有效率100.00%显著高于常规治疗A组88.00%(P<0.05)且B组VAS评分指标及治疗后疼痛肿胀缓解时间、骨折愈合时间均显著优于A组(P<0.05)。结论 联合补肾接骨汤治疗骨折能够在短时间内改善患处疼痛、肿胀等不适症状,促进血液循环及淤血的消退;同时还能促进骨质修复,加速新骨形成,帮助患者尽快恢复健康。


    中图分类号:R274.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)19-0070-02

    The Influence of Tonifying Kidney and Bone Setting Decoction on Pain,Swelling and Fracture Healing after Limb Fracture
, http://www.100md.com
    GUO Yan-hong,ZENG Qi-wei,DENG Kui,LAI Hong-li

    (Department of Orthopedics,Qingshen Kangda Orthopedic Hospital,Qingshen 620460,Sichuan,China)

    Abstract:Objective To study the clinical effect and significance of Kidney tonifying bone setting decoction on pain swelling and fracture healing after treatment of fracture of limbs.Methods 100 patients with orthopedic trauma were randomly divided into A and B group.Group A were treated with routine treatment;group B based on group A combined with Kidney tonifying bone setting decoction treatment.Compared two groups of patients with different drug treatment after the total efficiency,pain and swelling disappeared time and fracture healing time index.Results Combined with dipsacus decoction in the treatment of group B the total efficiency of 100% was significantly higher than that of conventional treatment group A 88.0%(P<0.05) and group B VAS score index after treatment and remission time of pain and swelling, healing time of fracture was significantly better than group A(P <0.05).Conclusion Combined kidney tonifying bone decoction can improve the pain,swelling and other discomfort symptoms in the short time,promote the blood circulation and congestion subsided.At the same time,it can promote bone repair,accelerate the formation of new bone and help patients to restore health as soon as possible.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Kidney tonifying bone setting decoction;Fracture of limbs;Pain;Swelling;Fracture healing




, 百拇医药     选择我院2015年1月~2016年1月骨科四肢骨折患者100例作为研究对象。所有患者中,男51例,女49例;年龄18~54岁,平均年龄(36.1±18.2)岁。患者骨折类型包括单纯骨折28例,粉碎性骨折39例,稳定骨折28例及不稳定骨折15例。骨折部位包括胫腓骨骨折41例,尺骨骨折22例,桡骨骨折18例,尺桡骨骨折9例,肱骨骨折8例,股骨骨折2例。本次试验经我院伦理委员会审核并批准,所有患者及家属均在知晓本次试验目的的前提下自觉签署知情同意书。随机将100例患者分为A、B两组,各50例。A组中男26例,女24例;年龄18~54岁,平均年龄(36.6±18.2)岁。B组中男25例,女25例;年龄19~55岁,平均年龄(37.3±18.2)岁。所有患者均符合骨折的三大特征且表现为不同程度的局部疼痛肿胀;行影像学检查确诊为四肢骨折。排除合并其他神经及血管受损患者、排除妊娠及精神疾病患者。所有患者一般资料无显著差异具有可比性(P>0.05)。, 百拇医药(郭燕红 曾其卫 邓奎 赖虹利)
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