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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月28日 《医学信息》 2017年第21期
     摘要:目的 分析锦州市手足口病病原学检测结果,为临床手足口病防治提供依据。方法 选取100例2015年锦州市临床临床诊断为手足口病病例的咽拭子标本,提取样本核酸,用RT-PCR方法检测柯萨奇病毒A16型(CA16)、肠道病毒71型(EV71)、和非EV71、CA16的其他肠道病毒(EV)。结果 2015年3~12月份共采集手足口病病例标本100份。核酸检测结果显示,阳性标本86例(86.00%);在2015年3~12月均有手足口病患者出现,3~5月份病例数急剧增加,5月份为最高峰,阳性检出率为45.35%,6~12月份病例数逐渐下降;男孩核酸检测阳性率显著高于女孩(P<0.05);在不同年龄组之间,1岁组,EV71、EV阳性数构成比均为年龄组中最高。结论 锦州市2015年3~12月份均有手足口病发生,病原以EV71感染为主,在不同月份、年龄、性别上发病率存在一定差异。


    中图分类号:R440 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)21-0184-02
, http://www.100md.com
    Analysis of Nucleic Acid Test Results of Hand-Foot-Mouth Virus in Jinzhou City

    YANG Fei

    (Jinzhou Disease Prevention and Control Center,Jinzhou 121000,Liaoning,China)

    Abstract:Objective To analyze the results of hand foot mouth disease in Jinzhou city,provide the basis for clinical prevention and treatment of HFMD.Methods 100 cases of clinical diagnosis in Jinzhou city in 2015 HFMD cases of throat swab specimens,samples of nucleic acid,RT-PCR was used to detect Coxsackie virus type A16(CA16),enterovirus 71(EV71),and non EV71,other intestinal virus CA16(EV).Results From March to December in 2015 were collected 100 samples of HFMD cases.Nucleic acid detection results showed that the positive specimens of 86 cases (86.00%);From March to December in 2015,there were hand,foot and mouth disease patients,the number of cases increased from March to May,the highest peak in May,the positive detection rate was 45.35%,from June to December the number of cases were decreased;the positive rate of boys was significantly higher than that of nucleic acid detection girl(P<0.05);among different age groups,1 years old group,EV71,the constituent ratio were the highest in EV age group.Conclusion Hand foot mouth disease occurred in Jinzhou from March to December in 2015.The main cause of infection was EV71 infection,and there were some differences in age,sex and incidence in different months.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Hand,foot and mouth disease;Coxsackie virus A16;Enterovirus 71 type

    手足口病是多種病毒引起的,患者主要表现为皮疹或疱疹,发病部位集中在手、足、口臀部位。手足口病是一种自限性疾病,一般可在7 d内痊愈,但少部分患儿病情严重可出现心肌炎、脑膜炎等合并症,病死率较高。研究指出[1],引起手足口病的主要病原为CA16、EV71。近年来,锦州市手足口病发病率不断上升,为掌握锦州市手足口病病原学及特点,本研究中对锦州市100例临床诊断病例标本进行EV71和CA16核酸检测,现报道如下。



    选取100例2015年3~12月份锦州市临床临床诊断为手足口病病例的咽拭子标本,其中女44例,男56例,年龄6个月~7岁。标本为患者咽喉部分泌液或疱疹液,将标本置于Hanks病毒采样管, 剧烈震荡10 min,3000 rpm离心30 min,取上层清液提取核酸,若不能即时检测则保存在-20 ℃冰箱内。
, 百拇医药



    RNA提取试剂盒:瑞士Roche公司,Roche High Pure Viral RNA Kiit;荧光定量PCR试剂盒:中山达安基股份有限公司,Coxsackievirus virus A1 6 real time RT-PCR kit,Enterovirus type71 realtime RT-PCR kit;美国ABI,Stepone-PlusTM Real-Time PCR System。, 百拇医药(杨飞)
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