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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月28日 《医学信息》 2017年第21期
     摘要:目的 群发性重症毒蕈中毒患者血液净化联合内科常规治疗与单纯药物治疗对比治疗效果。方法 选取本院2群发性重症毒蕈中毒患者32例,分为观察组和对照组各16例,观察组采用血液净化疗法联合内科常规治疗法治疗,对照组使用单纯的药物治疗,观察两组治疗效果。结果 通过两组对比来看,观察组的治愈率和好转率均显著高于对照组,死亡率也明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 毒蕈中毒患者随时面临着生命危险,选用一种高效的治疗方式十分关键,血液净化联合内科常规治疗在治疗重症毒蕈中毒患者有着显著成效,可用于临床推广。


    中图分类号:R595.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)21-0066-02

    Analysis of Curative Effect of Combined Conventional Treatment Group of Severe Mushroom Poisoning of Blood Purification
, 百拇医药
    ZHANG Rui,WANG Yin-jia,LI Chao,ZHENG Peng-xiao,SHEN Xu-dong

    (First People's Hospital of Kunming/North District Hospital,ICU,Kunming 650018,Yunnan,China)

    Abstract:Objective To compare the therapeutic effect of routine blood therapy and simple drug therapy in patients with massive severe muscarinic poisoning.Methods 2 patients in our hospital 32 cases of severe mushroom poisoning group,divided into observation group and control group with 16 cases in each group,the observation group was treated with blood purification therapy combined with routine treatment,the control group using a simple drug treatment,observe the treatment effect of the two groups.Results Through the comparison of two groups,the cure rate of the observation group and the improvement rate was significantly higher than the control group,the mortality rate was significantly lower than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Poisonous mushroom poisoning patients at any time facing the risk of life,the choice of a highly effective treatment is very critical,blood purification combined with conventional medical treatment in patients with severe poisonous mushroom poisoning has a significant effect can be used for clinical promotion.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Severe mushroom poisoning;Blood purification;Hemodialysis


    1 资料与方法

, 百拇医药
    选取本院2010年5月~2016年5月收治的群发性重症毒蕈中毒患者32例,分为观察组和对照组各16例,两组患者均为农村家庭群体中毒。其中观察组由4个家庭组成,男性9例,女性7例,年龄8~62岁,平均年龄(35±27)岁,从食用毒蕈到入院时间为1~5 d,平均时间(3±2)d。对照组由5个家庭组成,男性8例,女性8例,年龄10~66岁,平均年龄(38±28)岁,从食用毒蕈到入院时间为1~4 d,平均时间(2.5±1.5)d。在取得所有患者同意,签署知情同意书后,根据治疗方式的不同,将两组的治疗效果进行对比研讨。两组在年龄、性别和毒蕈中毒时间比较均衡,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


    1.2.1观察组 采用血液净化疗法联合内科常规治疗法,对患者进行催吐、多次洗胃,用活性碳口服和硫酸镁口服进行导泻,对各个中毒症状采用相对应的常规治疗手段及药物后联合血液净化疗法对本组患者进行治疗。血液净化的方式主要有血液透析、血液滤过、血液灌流、血浆置换、免疫吸附等。, 百拇医药(张睿 王胤佳 李超 郑鹏霄 沈旭东)
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