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http://www.100md.com 2017年6月4日 《医学信息》 2017年第22期
     摘要:目的 研究120急救网络层级管理模式的可行性。方法 选取武汉市两个中心片区,分为对照组和实验组,对照组的急救网络采取单一反应系统,其他按急救管理常规规定。实验组的急救网络采取单一反应系统和分级反应系统相结合,合作站点装备加以更新,其中一辆B型救护车由A型救护车替代,而合作站点的指挥调度在对照组基础上,联合网络医院的对外联络部共同管理。结果 通过对比发现,实验组2年内有效出车次多于对照组,而急救占比的控制则低于对照组,实验组更新的A型车的充分利用,有效降低了B型车消耗比例;另外,实验组平均到达现场的反应时间、平均完成急救任务的时间均短于对照组,平均消耗人员数亦少于对照组,而满意度却高于对照组。结论 在院前急救系统中,应用120急救网络层级管理模式,不仅强化了120中心的力量,满足了分级诊疗的要求,也有效利用了院前急救资源,提高了群众满意度,因此是可行的。


    中图分类号:TN915.07 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)22-0014-05
, 百拇医药
    Abstract:Objective To study the feasibility of 120 emergency network management model.Methods Two central areas of Wuhan were selected as the control group and the experimental group.The first aid network of the control group was taken as a single reaction system and others were prescribed by the emergency management routine.The experimental group adopted the single emergency network reaction system and reaction grading system combined equipment cooperation site to be renewed,one of the B-type ambulance by the A-type ambulance instead,and the cooperation site of the command and control in the control group on the basis of the joint network of the external management of the joint management of the hospital. Results By comparison,the experimental group within 2 years of effective trips than those in the control group,while the proportion of emergency control is lower than that of the control group,the experimental group make full use of A vehicle update,effectively reducing the B car consumption proportion;in addition,the experimental group average response time to the scene,the average completion time of emergency tasks is shorter than the control group,the average consumption of staff number is also less than the control group,while the satisfaction was higher than the control group. Conclusion In the prehospital emergency network system,application of 120 level management model, not only to strengthen the 120 center of power, to meet the requirements of classification of diagnosis and treatment,also the effective use of the resources of pre hospital care,improve the satisfaction of the masses, so it is feasible.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:First aid network;Graded response system;A type ambulance;Cooperative site;Grading diagnosis and treatment

    隨着社会经济的迅速发展,生活水平的不断改善,医疗技术的日益进步,我国的人口结构已逐渐步入老龄化。目前,人民群众对健康的要求越来越高,老人患各种慢性病的几率不断增多,意外突发事件的难以避免,再加上分级诊疗制度的不断健全,这些都会导致对120救护装备的需求越来越多[1]。事件的突发性、不确定性和不可预测性给急救工作带来很大困难。时间就是生命,如何赢得宝贵的时间是一个系统工程[2]。武汉市于1997年开通120急救电话,同时设汉口、武昌、江岸站点,经过这些年的飞速发展,现有直属站点、网络合作站点负责全市中心城区970万人口的院外急救、医疗转诊及社会公共保障体系的救治,逐渐建立了武汉市院外急救医疗体系[3]。尽管如此,依然满足不了多层次的需求,致使救护乱象丛生,私家救护即无证救护车及无证人员的出现,扰乱了急救秩序,严重威胁着人民群众的生命安全[4]。因此,对120急救系统实施科学合理化管理刻不容缓。本研究探索120急救层级网络管理,为创建合理科学的120急救管理模式,推动分级诊疗转运,有效利用急救资源,满足不同病情患者的需求,提供可靠的模式依据,具体报告如下。, 百拇医药(王晓春 程翠年 曾娟)
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