摘要:每个人在经历成长过程中,机体的各个器官都在不断发生变化,在成长中机体各个器官就像机器的零件一样在运转中潜移默化的发生老化,这个过程是长久的慢性的进行性的过程,也是我们人类共同面临的过程,当我们进入老年阶段,身体各个器官处于运转不灵活的状态,在人体中心血管系统的老化是从30岁就开始了,就像机械运转的主干零件失灵一样总是最先发生老化,由于老化导致的心血管重构现象的发生及一些列的改变,同时也造成一系列的生理及病理的变化,老化了的生理现象常常演变成老化病理症状, 这也是老年阶段发生心血管病变的机率很高的一个原因,心血管功能障碍时因为多种环境因素与自身因素相互作用的结果。心血管系统的重构与作用功效的变化导致机体多种疾病的发生。
中图分类号:R54 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)25-0022-03
Abstract:Each person in the process of growth, the body's organs are constantly changing, growing in the various organs of the body like the machine parts in the operation of a subtle aging,the process is long-term chronic progressive process,it is also a process that we all face together.When we enter the old age,all organs of the body are in a state of inflexible operation.The aging of the cardiovascular system in the human body starts from the age of 30,just as the failure of the main parts is the first occurrence of aging,the occurrence of cardiovascular remodeling due to aging and some changes in the column,but also caused a series of physiological and pathological changes,aging of the physiological phenomena often evolve into aging pathological symptoms,which is also the elderly one of the causes of the high risk of developing cardiovascular disease during this stage is the result of interactions between many environmental factors and their own factors in cardiovascular dysfunction.Cardiovascular system remodeling and the role of changes in efficacy lead to the occurrence of a variety of diseases in the body.
, 百拇医药
Key words:The elderly;Circulatory system anatomy and physiology changes;Cardiovascular diseases
心血管系统的组成由心脏、血管、纤维结缔组织等组成, 心脏就像一个水泵,源源不断供应机体的体液需求,是泵血的动力装置器,供应人体的需要的体液及体液之间的物质交换[1]。其中体循环和肺循环两个部分构成了心血管的循环体系, 发挥着重要的不可取替的作用。参与循环体系的心脏可由左心房、 左心室,右心房、 右心室四个相互相通的房间组成,各个房间通过房间隔、室间隔及动脉瓣及房室瓣等结构彼此相互沟通。老年人由于机体的衰老的因素以及长期不规范的生活方式及外界环境等多种因素的存在,病理变化也在不断的表现增长的态势,老年人的心血管机能水平普遍较低,加上衰老与日俱增,血管系统疾病也随之增加。
, 百拇医药 1.1心脏生理改变
心外膜是一层弹性纤维组织,在机体老化后出现增生变性的现象,心外膜下出现脂肪堆积,影响心脏的收缩与舒张功能,导致心脏顺应性降低,进而增加了心脏的负荷加重[3]。, http://www.100md.com(全智)
中图分类号:R54 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1959(2017)25-0022-03
Abstract:Each person in the process of growth, the body's organs are constantly changing, growing in the various organs of the body like the machine parts in the operation of a subtle aging,the process is long-term chronic progressive process,it is also a process that we all face together.When we enter the old age,all organs of the body are in a state of inflexible operation.The aging of the cardiovascular system in the human body starts from the age of 30,just as the failure of the main parts is the first occurrence of aging,the occurrence of cardiovascular remodeling due to aging and some changes in the column,but also caused a series of physiological and pathological changes,aging of the physiological phenomena often evolve into aging pathological symptoms,which is also the elderly one of the causes of the high risk of developing cardiovascular disease during this stage is the result of interactions between many environmental factors and their own factors in cardiovascular dysfunction.Cardiovascular system remodeling and the role of changes in efficacy lead to the occurrence of a variety of diseases in the body.
, 百拇医药
Key words:The elderly;Circulatory system anatomy and physiology changes;Cardiovascular diseases
心血管系统的组成由心脏、血管、纤维结缔组织等组成, 心脏就像一个水泵,源源不断供应机体的体液需求,是泵血的动力装置器,供应人体的需要的体液及体液之间的物质交换[1]。其中体循环和肺循环两个部分构成了心血管的循环体系, 发挥着重要的不可取替的作用。参与循环体系的心脏可由左心房、 左心室,右心房、 右心室四个相互相通的房间组成,各个房间通过房间隔、室间隔及动脉瓣及房室瓣等结构彼此相互沟通。老年人由于机体的衰老的因素以及长期不规范的生活方式及外界环境等多种因素的存在,病理变化也在不断的表现增长的态势,老年人的心血管机能水平普遍较低,加上衰老与日俱增,血管系统疾病也随之增加。
, 百拇医药 1.1心脏生理改变
心外膜是一层弹性纤维组织,在机体老化后出现增生变性的现象,心外膜下出现脂肪堆积,影响心脏的收缩与舒张功能,导致心脏顺应性降低,进而增加了心脏的负荷加重[3]。, http://www.100md.com(全智)
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