摘 要:目的 分析我院轮状病毒的分布情况,为医院制定轮状病毒管理措施,减少轮状病毒医院感染的发生。方法 选取医院2015年1月~2017年2月检验科检出的轮状病毒数据和2016年1月~2017年2月住院部上报的轮状病毒性腹泻病例数据及轮状病毒医院感染的数据进行统计分析。结果 2015年~2017年,我院实验室检出轮状病毒以11月份至来年3月份为最高,2016年1月~2017年2月,我院住院部上报的感染性腹泻及轮状病毒疫情从10月份开始逐月递增,12月份、來年1月份为高峰,3月份后逐渐下降。轮状病毒主要分布在消化内科、感染一科和新生儿科。轮状病毒的院内感染占总的医院感染的比例为11.63%。轮状病毒感染以1~12月龄的婴幼儿最高,基础疾病为呼吸系统疾病的患儿更容易患轮状病毒感染。结论 轮状病毒医院感染的高峰与轮状病毒社区感染一致,儿童医院应严格按照传染病的管理对轮状病毒进行分区诊治,同时按要求采取消毒隔离措施和做好手卫生,合理应用抗生素,从而减低轮状病毒医院感染的发生。
, 百拇医药
中图分类号:R725.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.02.041
Abstract:Objective To analyze the distribution of rotavirus in our hospital,develop rotavirus management measures for the hospital and reduce the occurrence of rotavirus hospital infection.Methods The rotavirus data detected by the hospital from January 2015 to February 2017 and the data of rotavirus diarrhea cases reported from January 2016 to February 2017 were analyzed statistically.Results From 2015 to 2017,rotavirus detected by our laboratory was the highest from November to March in the next year.From January 2016 to February 2017,infectious diarrhea and rotavirus reported by inpatient department of our hospital from October onwards,it has been increasing month by month.In December,it peaked in January and gradually declined after March.Rotavirus is mainly distributed in the digestive medicine,infection of a department and neonatology.The proportion of nosocomial infections of rotavirus in total nosocomial infections was 11.63%.Rotavirus infection is highest in infants and young children aged 1-12 months and children with underlying diseases of respiratory disease are more susceptible to rotavirus infection.Conclusion The peak of rotavirus nosocomial infection is consistent with the community-based rotavirus infection.Children's hospitals should conduct diagnosis and treatment of rotavirus in strict accordance with the management of infectious diseases.At the same time,disinfection and isolation measures and hand hygiene should be taken according to requirements and antibiotics should be rationally used to reduce rotavirus hospital infection occurs.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words:Children's Hospital;Rotavirus;Infection
轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)是引起婴幼儿腹泻的最主要病原体,世界范围有35%~50%的患儿腹泻由它引起。轮状病毒具有较高传染性,潜伏期24~48 h,起病急且伴有发热、吐泻等症状,重者可引起电解质紊乱、脱水以及胃肠道以外脏器损害。轮状病毒通过粪-口传播,也可通过气溶胶形式经呼吸道传播而致。在外界环境中不易自行灭活,具有很高的感染性,易在医院病房内发生交叉感染,加重感染患儿基础疾病的病情,延长住院时间,增加住院费用[1]。作为法定传染病,预防控制工作尤显重要。在亚洲地区,轮状病毒感染性腹泻发病高峰在10月份至次年2月份。调查显示,广州、深圳等亚热带地区轮状病毒感染性腹泻发病高峰主要在秋冬季节的10月份至来年的1月份[1]。为了解我院轮状病毒的分布情况,减少轮状病毒医院感染的发生,特开展本调查。, http://www.100md.com(周琳 陈丽琴 李伟杰)
, 百拇医药
中图分类号:R725.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.02.041
Abstract:Objective To analyze the distribution of rotavirus in our hospital,develop rotavirus management measures for the hospital and reduce the occurrence of rotavirus hospital infection.Methods The rotavirus data detected by the hospital from January 2015 to February 2017 and the data of rotavirus diarrhea cases reported from January 2016 to February 2017 were analyzed statistically.Results From 2015 to 2017,rotavirus detected by our laboratory was the highest from November to March in the next year.From January 2016 to February 2017,infectious diarrhea and rotavirus reported by inpatient department of our hospital from October onwards,it has been increasing month by month.In December,it peaked in January and gradually declined after March.Rotavirus is mainly distributed in the digestive medicine,infection of a department and neonatology.The proportion of nosocomial infections of rotavirus in total nosocomial infections was 11.63%.Rotavirus infection is highest in infants and young children aged 1-12 months and children with underlying diseases of respiratory disease are more susceptible to rotavirus infection.Conclusion The peak of rotavirus nosocomial infection is consistent with the community-based rotavirus infection.Children's hospitals should conduct diagnosis and treatment of rotavirus in strict accordance with the management of infectious diseases.At the same time,disinfection and isolation measures and hand hygiene should be taken according to requirements and antibiotics should be rationally used to reduce rotavirus hospital infection occurs.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words:Children's Hospital;Rotavirus;Infection
轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)是引起婴幼儿腹泻的最主要病原体,世界范围有35%~50%的患儿腹泻由它引起。轮状病毒具有较高传染性,潜伏期24~48 h,起病急且伴有发热、吐泻等症状,重者可引起电解质紊乱、脱水以及胃肠道以外脏器损害。轮状病毒通过粪-口传播,也可通过气溶胶形式经呼吸道传播而致。在外界环境中不易自行灭活,具有很高的感染性,易在医院病房内发生交叉感染,加重感染患儿基础疾病的病情,延长住院时间,增加住院费用[1]。作为法定传染病,预防控制工作尤显重要。在亚洲地区,轮状病毒感染性腹泻发病高峰在10月份至次年2月份。调查显示,广州、深圳等亚热带地区轮状病毒感染性腹泻发病高峰主要在秋冬季节的10月份至来年的1月份[1]。为了解我院轮状病毒的分布情况,减少轮状病毒医院感染的发生,特开展本调查。, http://www.100md.com(周琳 陈丽琴 李伟杰)