综上所述,MRC肌功能矫治技术作为一种新型的错牙合畸形预防矫治体系,原理与使用方法均和传统的矫治不相同,严格筛选临床适应证,选择合适的MRC矫治器,制定良好的佩戴计划以及医患沟通是矫治成功的前提与保证。通过本研究,在MRC肌功能矫治技术上总结了一定的经验,我们将继续探讨MRC矫治技术的远期疗效和并发症,让它在儿童早期错牙合 畸形的预防矫治发挥更大的功效。
[2]Almeida RR,Alessio LE,Almerda-Pedrin RR,et al.Management of the Class Ⅲ malocclusion treated with maxillary expansion, facemask therapy and corrective orthodontic.A 15-year follow-up[J].J Appl Oral Sci,2015,23(1):101-109.
[3]Keski-Nisula K,Hernesniemi R,Heiskanen M,et al.Orthodontic intervention in the early mixed dentition:a prospective,controlled study on the effects of the eruption guidance appliance[J].A m J Orthod Dentalfacial Orthop,2008,133(2):254-260.
[4]Barry D.Airway Orthodontics the New Paradigm:Part 1Addressing the Airway[J].Orthodontics Practice,2016,7(3):35-39.
[5]Joy L Moeller,Licia Coceani Paskay,Michael L Gelb.Myofunctional therapy:a novel treatment of Pediatric,sleep-disordered breathing[J].Sleep Med Clin,2014,9(2):235-243.
編辑/成森, 百拇医药(吕娟 高子龙 朱有家)
[2]Almeida RR,Alessio LE,Almerda-Pedrin RR,et al.Management of the Class Ⅲ malocclusion treated with maxillary expansion, facemask therapy and corrective orthodontic.A 15-year follow-up[J].J Appl Oral Sci,2015,23(1):101-109.
[3]Keski-Nisula K,Hernesniemi R,Heiskanen M,et al.Orthodontic intervention in the early mixed dentition:a prospective,controlled study on the effects of the eruption guidance appliance[J].A m J Orthod Dentalfacial Orthop,2008,133(2):254-260.
[4]Barry D.Airway Orthodontics the New Paradigm:Part 1Addressing the Airway[J].Orthodontics Practice,2016,7(3):35-39.
[5]Joy L Moeller,Licia Coceani Paskay,Michael L Gelb.Myofunctional therapy:a novel treatment of Pediatric,sleep-disordered breathing[J].Sleep Med Clin,2014,9(2):235-243.
編辑/成森, 百拇医药(吕娟 高子龙 朱有家)