摘 要:目的 探索一种安全、有效的鼻尖整形方法。方法 2015年3月~2017年8月我科应用耳软骨联合medpor进行鼻尖整形术患者30例,均为女性。两条耳软骨与一条medpor假体与鼻中隔前角固定缝合,形成鼻尖支架,鼻尖支架与上外侧软骨加强缝合一针,双侧下外侧软骨穹窿部固定到鼻尖支架上,耳软骨鼻尖盖板移植物和耳后筋膜植于下外侧软骨穹窿浅面并缝合固定,盾牌移植物移植于下外侧软骨内侧脚尾侧并缝合固定。结果 术后随访6~24个月,30例患者术后鼻尖均柔和、自然,突出度增加、持久。1例患者鼻尖皮肤轻度发红,1月后恢复正常。总体效果满意。结论 耳软骨联合medpor的鼻尖整形术是一种安全、有效的鼻整形方法。
中图分类号:R622 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.13.029
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To explore a safe and effective method for nasal tip plasty.Methods From March 2015 to August 2017,30 patients with nasal tip plastic surgery were treated with auricular cartilage combined with Medpor.All of them were female.Two auricular cartilage and one Medpor prosthesis and the anterior septum of the nasal septum were fixed and sutured to form the tip of the nasal tip.The tip of the nasal tip and the superior lateral cartilage were sutured with a needle.The bilateral inferior lateral cartilaginous fornix is fixed to the tip of the nasal tip.The apex graft and posterior auricular fascia of the ear cartilage are implanted in the shallow surface of the inferior lateral cartilaginous fornix and sutured and fixed.The shield graft is transplanted to the tail of the medial foot of the lower lateral cartilage and is sutured and fixed.Results After 6 to 24 months of follow-up,30 patients had soft, natural tip and increased prominence.One patient had mild redness on the tip of the nose and returned to normal after 1 month.The overall result is satisfactory.Conclusion Auricular cartilage combined with Medpor's nasal tip plasty is a safe and effective method of rhinoplasty.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Auricular cartilage;Medpor;Nasal tip plastic surgery
1.1临床资料 2015年3月~2017年8月南充卫校附属医院整形科应用耳软骨联合medpor进行鼻尖整形术患者30例,均为女性,年龄19~39岁,平均年龄(28.25±3.17)岁。其中施行单纯鼻尖整形的8例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形19例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形+驼峰截除1例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形+鼻背截骨缩窄2例。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2.1术前设计 测量患者的鼻面角、鼻额角、鼻唇角、鼻颏角,根据鼻与面部的美学关系,结合患者的气质、职业以及对手术的期望,充分与患者沟通,设计相应的手术方案。标出鼻正中线及鼻根部黄金点,设计鼻小柱倒“V”形切口联合鼻前庭下外侧软骨下切口,在耳廓背侧距颅耳沟约10 mm处设计一长约10~15 mm并与颅耳沟平行的切口线,以美兰标记,碘酊固定。需截骨的患者采取气管插管全麻并辅以局麻,其他患者采取局麻并辅以不插管的全麻。
1.2.2手术方法 碘伏消毒面颈头部,铺无菌巾单。以0.5%利多卡因+1/20万肾上腺素的肿胀液于耳前、耳后行皮下行浸润麻醉。沿耳廓背侧切口线切开皮肤、皮下组织达软骨膜表面,在皮下与软骨膜之间锐钝性结合分离,保留软骨膜在耳软骨上;于对耳轮内侧3 mm切开软骨膜、软骨至耳廓前侧,在耳甲腔与耳甲艇的软骨与软骨膜之间钝性分离,耳廓前侧的软骨膜保留在皮下,利于以后耳廓再生。切取大小约为20 mm×15 mm的耳甲腔与耳甲艇的软骨,同时于耳后皮下切取大小约为10 mm×8 mm的筋膜组织,将切取的耳软骨及耳后筋膜放入生理盐水中备用。仔细止血后,以5-0的单丝尼龙线垂直褥式缝合耳廓背侧皮肤切口,于耳甲腔、耳甲艇及耳后放置纱布包裹的棉垫,3-0的单丝尼龙线贯穿耳前及耳后棉垫、加压打结固定,单侧耳软骨量不够,可以切取双侧的耳软骨。, http://www.100md.com(彭旦生 刘晓春 曾飞)
中图分类号:R622 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.13.029
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To explore a safe and effective method for nasal tip plasty.Methods From March 2015 to August 2017,30 patients with nasal tip plastic surgery were treated with auricular cartilage combined with Medpor.All of them were female.Two auricular cartilage and one Medpor prosthesis and the anterior septum of the nasal septum were fixed and sutured to form the tip of the nasal tip.The tip of the nasal tip and the superior lateral cartilage were sutured with a needle.The bilateral inferior lateral cartilaginous fornix is fixed to the tip of the nasal tip.The apex graft and posterior auricular fascia of the ear cartilage are implanted in the shallow surface of the inferior lateral cartilaginous fornix and sutured and fixed.The shield graft is transplanted to the tail of the medial foot of the lower lateral cartilage and is sutured and fixed.Results After 6 to 24 months of follow-up,30 patients had soft, natural tip and increased prominence.One patient had mild redness on the tip of the nose and returned to normal after 1 month.The overall result is satisfactory.Conclusion Auricular cartilage combined with Medpor's nasal tip plasty is a safe and effective method of rhinoplasty.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Auricular cartilage;Medpor;Nasal tip plastic surgery
1.1临床资料 2015年3月~2017年8月南充卫校附属医院整形科应用耳软骨联合medpor进行鼻尖整形术患者30例,均为女性,年龄19~39岁,平均年龄(28.25±3.17)岁。其中施行单纯鼻尖整形的8例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形19例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形+驼峰截除1例,隆鼻+鼻尖成形+鼻背截骨缩窄2例。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2.1术前设计 测量患者的鼻面角、鼻额角、鼻唇角、鼻颏角,根据鼻与面部的美学关系,结合患者的气质、职业以及对手术的期望,充分与患者沟通,设计相应的手术方案。标出鼻正中线及鼻根部黄金点,设计鼻小柱倒“V”形切口联合鼻前庭下外侧软骨下切口,在耳廓背侧距颅耳沟约10 mm处设计一长约10~15 mm并与颅耳沟平行的切口线,以美兰标记,碘酊固定。需截骨的患者采取气管插管全麻并辅以局麻,其他患者采取局麻并辅以不插管的全麻。
1.2.2手术方法 碘伏消毒面颈头部,铺无菌巾单。以0.5%利多卡因+1/20万肾上腺素的肿胀液于耳前、耳后行皮下行浸润麻醉。沿耳廓背侧切口线切开皮肤、皮下组织达软骨膜表面,在皮下与软骨膜之间锐钝性结合分离,保留软骨膜在耳软骨上;于对耳轮内侧3 mm切开软骨膜、软骨至耳廓前侧,在耳甲腔与耳甲艇的软骨与软骨膜之间钝性分离,耳廓前侧的软骨膜保留在皮下,利于以后耳廓再生。切取大小约为20 mm×15 mm的耳甲腔与耳甲艇的软骨,同时于耳后皮下切取大小约为10 mm×8 mm的筋膜组织,将切取的耳软骨及耳后筋膜放入生理盐水中备用。仔细止血后,以5-0的单丝尼龙线垂直褥式缝合耳廓背侧皮肤切口,于耳甲腔、耳甲艇及耳后放置纱布包裹的棉垫,3-0的单丝尼龙线贯穿耳前及耳后棉垫、加压打结固定,单侧耳软骨量不够,可以切取双侧的耳软骨。, http://www.100md.com(彭旦生 刘晓春 曾飞)