摘 要:目的 了解进行学籍制管理下乡村医生对区级医院组织乡村医生培训项目的满意度,并进一步了解对培训的需求,推进乡村医生医生培训工作更加规范化、合理化。方法 采用自制的乡村医生培训授课满意度调查表及培训需求调查表,选取在我院进行培训的15个社区卫生服务中心的153名乡村医生进行问卷调查。结果 乡村医生对培训的总体满意度为86.47%,较培训前有所提高。92.16%的人希望培训以理论结合实践的形式,42.48%的人希望能安排在门诊轮转2~4周,只有24.83%的希望在病房轮转。在培训内容的需求上关注农村常见病多发病、针灸、推拿等方面知识的培训占90.20%。结论 学籍制管理下的乡村医生培训顺应了广大乡医的迫切需求,能够促进乡村医生的医疗水平。
中图分类号:R197.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.23.037
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To Understand the satisfaction of the rural doctors in organizing rural doctor training programs in district hospitals under the student registration system, and further understand the demand for training, and promote more standardized and rationalized training of doctors in rural doctors.Methods Using self-made rural doctors' training satisfaction questionnaires and training needs questionnaires, 153 rural doctors from 15 community health service centers that were trained in our hospital were selected for the questionnaire survey. Results The overall satisfaction of rural doctors for training was 86.47%, which was higher than before training. 92.16% of people hope that training will take the form of theory combined with practice. 42.48% of them hope to be able to arrange rotation in the clinic for 2-4 weeks. Only 24.83% hope to rotate in the ward. 90.20% of the training on the common needs of the disease, acupuncture, massage and other aspects of the training content.Conclusion The training of rural doctors under the Student registration system conforms to the urgent needs of the majority of township doctors and can promote the medical standards of rural doctors.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Rural doctors;Student registration system;Training;Satisfaction;Needs
1.1研究对象 选取2018年1月~12月在北京市延庆区医院/北京大学第三医院延庆医院进行培训的15个社区卫生服务中心的153名乡村医生进行问卷调查。调查对象年龄为32~79岁,平均年龄(61.77±9.08)岁,男性81名,女性72名。
1.2.1调查工具 根据《全国乡村医生教育规划(2011-2020年)》中的相关要求,自制乡村医生培训需求调查表,内容包括一般情况、培训需求、生活需求。针对培训当天的内容及授课情况,自制乡村医生培训授课满意度调查表,内容包括授课内容、培训服务的满意情况,共4个条目,均按Likert五点计分法,满意程度分为非常满意、满意、一般、不满意及非常不满意5个等级,依其情况分别给予5到1分之计分方式,中位数为3。所有问题均采用正向计分,分数越高者,代表其满意度越高,最终以每调查项满意度来表示乡村医生培训的满意情况。每调查项满意度(%)=实际得分/满分总和×100%。另就对今后的培训、学籍制管理、当天哪部分培训内容更感兴趣设开放性问题。, 百拇医药(陈瑞霞 赵凤龙 聂鹏)
中图分类号:R197.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.23.037
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To Understand the satisfaction of the rural doctors in organizing rural doctor training programs in district hospitals under the student registration system, and further understand the demand for training, and promote more standardized and rationalized training of doctors in rural doctors.Methods Using self-made rural doctors' training satisfaction questionnaires and training needs questionnaires, 153 rural doctors from 15 community health service centers that were trained in our hospital were selected for the questionnaire survey. Results The overall satisfaction of rural doctors for training was 86.47%, which was higher than before training. 92.16% of people hope that training will take the form of theory combined with practice. 42.48% of them hope to be able to arrange rotation in the clinic for 2-4 weeks. Only 24.83% hope to rotate in the ward. 90.20% of the training on the common needs of the disease, acupuncture, massage and other aspects of the training content.Conclusion The training of rural doctors under the Student registration system conforms to the urgent needs of the majority of township doctors and can promote the medical standards of rural doctors.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Rural doctors;Student registration system;Training;Satisfaction;Needs
1.1研究对象 选取2018年1月~12月在北京市延庆区医院/北京大学第三医院延庆医院进行培训的15个社区卫生服务中心的153名乡村医生进行问卷调查。调查对象年龄为32~79岁,平均年龄(61.77±9.08)岁,男性81名,女性72名。
1.2.1调查工具 根据《全国乡村医生教育规划(2011-2020年)》中的相关要求,自制乡村医生培训需求调查表,内容包括一般情况、培训需求、生活需求。针对培训当天的内容及授课情况,自制乡村医生培训授课满意度调查表,内容包括授课内容、培训服务的满意情况,共4个条目,均按Likert五点计分法,满意程度分为非常满意、满意、一般、不满意及非常不满意5个等级,依其情况分别给予5到1分之计分方式,中位数为3。所有问题均采用正向计分,分数越高者,代表其满意度越高,最终以每调查项满意度来表示乡村医生培训的满意情况。每调查项满意度(%)=实际得分/满分总和×100%。另就对今后的培训、学籍制管理、当天哪部分培训内容更感兴趣设开放性问题。, 百拇医药(陈瑞霞 赵凤龙 聂鹏)