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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月8日 《医学信息》 2019年第1期
     摘要:目的 調查当代大学生对艾滋病和性知识的了解程度,对建立科学有效多元化的高校艾滋防范健康模式提供依据。方法 采用自编问卷,以自愿无记名的方式,对河南某医学高校大一至大四各个年级学生进行随机抽样调查。调查共发放问卷500份,回收486份,回收率97.20%,有效问卷480份,有效率96.00%。结果 医学生艾滋病相关防范知识普及率达91.67%,52.67%学生认为艾滋病和不正当性行为密切相关,93.96%学生认为在学校开展相关知识普及教育工作是非常必要的;医学生的性开放性比非医学生高21.90%;78.79%的学生认为性行为在情感的交流中扮演着很重要的角色,91.91%的学生表示可以接受性行为的话题,并期望开设性教育课程。结论 医学生对艾滋病了解程度相对较深,防范意识较普通大学生较强,但仍存在不足。


    中图分类号:R512.91 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.01.041
, http://www.100md.com

    Medical Students' Cognition Research on AIDS and Sex Education

    LEI Yue-kun1,LIU Ling-xia1,2,HUI Wan-rui1,SHEN Shi-qi1,CHANG Yan-dou1,BAI Meng-meng1

    (1.Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450008,Henan,China;

    2.the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450008,Henan,China)
, 百拇医药
    Abstract: Objective To investigate the degree of understanding of AIDS and sexual knowledge among contemporary college students, and to provide a basis for establishing a scientific and effective diversified AIDS prevention and health model. Methods A self-made questionnaire was used to conduct a random sample survey of students from all grades of senior medical school in Henan Province in a voluntary and anonymous manner. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed and 486 were recovered, with a recovery rate of 97.20%, 480 valid questionnaires, and an effective rate of 96.00%. Results The prevalence rate of AIDS-related prevention knowledge among medical students reached 91.67%. 52.67% of the students thought that AIDS and unfair sexual behavior were closely related. 93.96% of the students thought that it is necessary to carry out relevant knowledge popularization education in schools; the sex openness ratio of medical students Non-medical students were 21.90% higher; 78.79% of the students believed that sexual behavior played an important role in emotional communication, and 91.91% of the students expressed that they could accept the topic of sexual behavior and expected to offer sex education courses. Conclusion Medical students have a relatively deep understanding of AIDS, and their awareness of prevention is stronger than that of ordinary college students, but there are still deficiencies., 百拇医药(雷月坤 刘玲霞 惠婉芮 沈世奇 常艳豆 白萌萌)
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