[3]中华医学会消化病学分会幽门螺杆菌科研协作组.第四次全国幽门螺杆菌感染若干问题共识报告(2012 江西)[J].中华消化杂志,2012,32(10):651-655.
[4]Malfertheiner Peter,Megraud Francis,O'Morain Colm A,et al.Management of Helicobacter pylori infection--the Maastricht IV/Florence Consensus Report[J].Gut,2012,61(5):646-664.
[8]Sugano K,Tack J,Kuipers EJ,et al.Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylori gastritis[J].Gut,2015,64(9):1353-1367.
[11]Xu C,Yan M,Sun Y,et al.Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and its relation with body mass index in a Chinese population[J].Helicobacter,2014,19(6):437-442.
[12]Zhou XY,Zhang CL,Wu JB,et al.Association between Helicobacter pylori infection and diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of observational studies[J].Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2013,99(2):200-208.
[13]Kim SY,Choi DJ,Chung JW.Antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori: Is the end coming?[J].World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther,2015,6(4):183-198.
[14]Ghaith D,Elzahry M,Mostafa G,et al.Mutations affecting domain V of the 23S rRNA gene in Helicobacter pylori from Cairo, Egypt[J].J Chemother,2016(28):367-370.
编辑/杨倩, 百拇医药(刘伟 王艳 朱季军 刘云云 王玉欣 王晓燕)
[3]中华医学会消化病学分会幽门螺杆菌科研协作组.第四次全国幽门螺杆菌感染若干问题共识报告(2012 江西)[J].中华消化杂志,2012,32(10):651-655.
[4]Malfertheiner Peter,Megraud Francis,O'Morain Colm A,et al.Management of Helicobacter pylori infection--the Maastricht IV/Florence Consensus Report[J].Gut,2012,61(5):646-664.
[8]Sugano K,Tack J,Kuipers EJ,et al.Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylori gastritis[J].Gut,2015,64(9):1353-1367.
[11]Xu C,Yan M,Sun Y,et al.Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection and its relation with body mass index in a Chinese population[J].Helicobacter,2014,19(6):437-442.
[12]Zhou XY,Zhang CL,Wu JB,et al.Association between Helicobacter pylori infection and diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of observational studies[J].Diabetes Res Clin Pract,2013,99(2):200-208.
[13]Kim SY,Choi DJ,Chung JW.Antibiotic treatment for Helicobacter pylori: Is the end coming?[J].World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther,2015,6(4):183-198.
[14]Ghaith D,Elzahry M,Mostafa G,et al.Mutations affecting domain V of the 23S rRNA gene in Helicobacter pylori from Cairo, Egypt[J].J Chemother,2016(28):367-370.
编辑/杨倩, 百拇医药(刘伟 王艳 朱季军 刘云云 王玉欣 王晓燕)