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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月22日 《医学信息》 2019年第3期


    中图分类号:R95 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.03.010
, 百拇医药

    Abstract:As the pharmacist's job responsibilities gradually shift from traditional drug dispensing to pharmaceutical services, the hospital's need for pharmacists with clinical pharmacy services is becoming more and more urgent. However, it takes six months to one year to train a regular clinical pharmacist. At the same time, the clinical pharmacy students who have just graduated from colleges lack practical experience.Therefore, it is of great significance to explore how to comprehensively and quickly train hospital pharmacy personnel into a pharmacist team capable of serving the pharmaceutical service model centered on "serving clinical and serving patients". The stratified training mode is to divide the hospital pharmacists into three levels of junior, middle and senior pharmacists according to their titles, and to carry out the basic training of junior pharmacists, the specialization of intermediate pharmacists, and the specialization of senior pharmacists, and gradually establish a quality. A strong team of pharmacists who serve clinically. Through the discussion of this model, the hospital aims to provide experience for the comprehensive training of hospital pharmacy personnel in the new situation.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Hospital pharmacist;Stratified;Training mode

    隨着医疗改革的不断深入,以“服务临床、服务患者”为中心的药学服务模式,将成为今后医院药学发展的主要方向,这就意味着医院药学正逐渐由传统的单纯的药品调剂服务模式向临床药学服务模式转变[1]。在这一转变过程中,临床药师应运而生,且在医疗工作中的重要性也日趋凸显。设立临床药师这个岗位的目的是希望医院药学人员都能尽快从药品调配的角色转变成能为临床提供药学服务的角色,协助医师促进临床合理用药,这项工作于2006 年以后在卫生部有关部门的大力提倡和督促下,已经初步开展,并取得了初步成果。但是在医疗改革的大环境下,临床药师的队伍发展缓慢,医院经过卫计委正规培训的临床药师数量有限,大部分的药学人员仍简单的从事着药品调剂及管理工作,无法为全院医师、护士、患者提供药学服务。加之近年来,大部分高校的临床药学专业虽然都开设了临床医学课程,但总体上都是以药学专业学科为中心,以课堂上的理论教学为主导的学习模式,实习过程中临床实践的机会较少[2,3],导致刚毕业的学生缺少临床药学服务实践能力的培养,与社会需求脱节,难以胜任临床药学工作,因此,如何能使医院药师及新毕业的药师尽快地适应新医改形势下的医院药学工作,药师全科化的培养显得尤为重要。

    1医院药师分层次培养模式, http://www.100md.com(曹荣娟 李琪 孟祥云)
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