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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月22日 《医学信息》 2019年第3期
     摘要:目的 深层次了解护生在临床实习中发生护理不良事件后对带教老师的具体期望。方法 采用目的性抽样法,对符合纳入标准的12名护生进行个人半结构式深度访谈,并对访谈资料进行整理与分医学科析,归纳总结并提炼主题,将主题进行针对性的解剖分析。结果 一般护理不良事件后护生对带教老师的期望集中于五个主题:以妥善解决问题优先;宽容与保护学生;增长知识与经验;信任与鼓励学生;风险预防和管理。结论 护生发生一般护理不良事件后,内心处于慌张、不安状态,影响日常工作,甚至生活,因此对带教老师期望与依赖性提高,带教老师应根据护生的心理状况采取有效的心里指导和情感的交流,帮助护生走出阴影和困境,同时需根据情境处理并注意后续的心理建设和风险管理。


    中图分类号:R47 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.03.064
, http://www.100md.com

    Abstract:Objective To understand in depth the specific expectations of nursing students after taking care of adverse events in clinical practice.Methods The objective sampling method was used to conduct in-depth semi-structured in-depth interviews with 12 nursing students who met the inclusion criteria.The interview data were collated and divided into medical sciences. The topics were summarized and refined, and the subject was analyzed in a targeted manner. Results After the general care adverse events, the expectations of the nursing students on the teachers focused on five topics: to solve problems correctly; tolerate and protect students; to increase knowledge and experience; to trust and encourage students; risk prevention and management. Conclusion After the general nursing adverse events occur in the nursing students, the heart is in a state of panic and anxiety, affecting daily work and even life. Therefore, the expectation and dependence of the teacher should be improved. The teacher should take effective guidance according to the psychological condition of the nursing students. The communication with the emotions helps the nursing students to get out of the shadows and predicaments, and at the same time, it needs to deal with the situation and pay attention to the subsequent psychological construction and risk management.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:General nursing adverse events;Nursing students;Nursing education;Clinical practice;Qualitative research

    护理不良事件(adverse care events)是指在护理工作中因责任心不强,粗心大意不按规章制度办事或技术水平低而发生不良事件对患者直接或间接产生影响,但未造成严重不良后果者[1]。实习護生由于初入临床缺乏实践经验等各方面原因,是护理不良事件的高发人群,高达40%~50%[2]。带教老师对不良事件的处理方式将对护生以后的实习生活及职业发展产生一定的影响,而目前相关研究主要集中在护理不良事件的相关因素分析和对策,多数为量性研究,且极少针对护生。本研究旨在深层次探究护生在临床实习中发生护理不良事件后对带教老师的具体期望。本研究对12名符合纳入标准的护生进行了深度采访,现将结果报告如下。, 百拇医药(李伟)
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