中图分类号:R391 文献标识码:B DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.04.009
, 百拇医药
Abstract:At present, informatization plays an important role in the entire medical system. Hospital information construction not only reflects the hospital's medical modernization, but also provides convenience for clinicians and patients. It also provides a large amount of statistics and research data for medical and health undertakings. Further development of the health industry. As a clinician, in the information construction, it is found that in addition to meeting the professional framework requirements of informationization, the clinical frontline and the patient's personal experience and needs have important guiding significance for the optimization of information construction, and play the role of clinicians and patients. Subjective initiative to solve some details of the problem has contributed to the entire information construction. The medical service ultimately serves the public. Today's doctor-patient relationship is tense and the number of doctor-patient disputes is increasing. There is a certain relationship between inadequate communication between doctors and patients and poor medical experience. Improving the efficiency of medical work and improving patients' medical experience is also Test the key points of the success of informatization construction. In short, the applicable body of the information system is the clinician, but ultimately it is to serve the patient population.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words:Hospital information construction;Clinical needs;Medical experience;Doctor-patient relationship
随着医院信息化建设的不断深入,围绕临床效率与医疗质量提升、学科建设与科研支持、医院精细化管理等方面的需求,加大信息化投入,增强信息化应用的产出,信息化建设已成为强院、立院之根本。众所周知,医院信息化建设经历三个阶段:①以财物管理为核心,实现医院管理信息化;②以电子病历为核心,实现临床管理信息化;③以信息交换为核心,实现区域卫生服务信息化。近年来,各类医院医疗应用系统大量涌现,其热点已由以费用管理核算为核心向着以电子病历为核心的现代化医院信息系统建设转变。为能更好、更准确地服务患者,需借助医疗信息化手段、病历的有效管理与查阅以及区域性数据共享来实现,其中,最先受益的是临床医生,最终服务于患者[1-3]。, 百拇医药(诸明 赵晶晶 张维芯)
中图分类号:R391 文献标识码:B DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.04.009
, 百拇医药
Abstract:At present, informatization plays an important role in the entire medical system. Hospital information construction not only reflects the hospital's medical modernization, but also provides convenience for clinicians and patients. It also provides a large amount of statistics and research data for medical and health undertakings. Further development of the health industry. As a clinician, in the information construction, it is found that in addition to meeting the professional framework requirements of informationization, the clinical frontline and the patient's personal experience and needs have important guiding significance for the optimization of information construction, and play the role of clinicians and patients. Subjective initiative to solve some details of the problem has contributed to the entire information construction. The medical service ultimately serves the public. Today's doctor-patient relationship is tense and the number of doctor-patient disputes is increasing. There is a certain relationship between inadequate communication between doctors and patients and poor medical experience. Improving the efficiency of medical work and improving patients' medical experience is also Test the key points of the success of informatization construction. In short, the applicable body of the information system is the clinician, but ultimately it is to serve the patient population.
, http://www.100md.com
Key words:Hospital information construction;Clinical needs;Medical experience;Doctor-patient relationship
随着医院信息化建设的不断深入,围绕临床效率与医疗质量提升、学科建设与科研支持、医院精细化管理等方面的需求,加大信息化投入,增强信息化应用的产出,信息化建设已成为强院、立院之根本。众所周知,医院信息化建设经历三个阶段:①以财物管理为核心,实现医院管理信息化;②以电子病历为核心,实现临床管理信息化;③以信息交换为核心,实现区域卫生服务信息化。近年来,各类医院医疗应用系统大量涌现,其热点已由以费用管理核算为核心向着以电子病历为核心的现代化医院信息系统建设转变。为能更好、更准确地服务患者,需借助医疗信息化手段、病历的有效管理与查阅以及区域性数据共享来实现,其中,最先受益的是临床医生,最终服务于患者[1-3]。, 百拇医药(诸明 赵晶晶 张维芯)