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[4]Anderson RM,Funnell MM.Patient empowerment:myths and misconceptions[J].Patient Educ Couns,2010,79(3):277-282.
[5]Yang S,Hsue C,Lou Q.Does patient empowerment predict self-care behavior and glycosylated hemoglobin in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes?[J].Diabetes Technol Ther,2015,17(5):343-348.
[6]Camerini AL,Schulz PJ.Health literacy and patient empowerment:separating con-joined twins in the context of chronic low back pain[J].PLoS One,2015,10(2):e0118032.
[12]RH Wang,Hsu HC,Lee YJ,et al.Patient empowerment interacts with health literacy to associate with subsequent self-management behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes:A prospective study in Taiwan[J].Patient Education and Counseling,2016,99(10):1626-1631.
编辑/肖婷婷, 百拇医药(赵倩倩 刘跃晖 柏婷)
[3]Nutbeam D.The evolving concept of health literacy[J].Soc Sci Med,2008,67(12):2072-2078.
[4]Anderson RM,Funnell MM.Patient empowerment:myths and misconceptions[J].Patient Educ Couns,2010,79(3):277-282.
[5]Yang S,Hsue C,Lou Q.Does patient empowerment predict self-care behavior and glycosylated hemoglobin in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes?[J].Diabetes Technol Ther,2015,17(5):343-348.
[6]Camerini AL,Schulz PJ.Health literacy and patient empowerment:separating con-joined twins in the context of chronic low back pain[J].PLoS One,2015,10(2):e0118032.
[12]RH Wang,Hsu HC,Lee YJ,et al.Patient empowerment interacts with health literacy to associate with subsequent self-management behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes:A prospective study in Taiwan[J].Patient Education and Counseling,2016,99(10):1626-1631.
编辑/肖婷婷, 百拇医药(赵倩倩 刘跃晖 柏婷)