摘要:目的 观察飞法治疗中风后尿失禁的疗效。方法 将本院中医科门诊64例中风后尿失禁患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组32例。治疗组和对照组取穴疗程相同,均取内关、人中或印堂、三阴交、百会、四神聪、涌泉、曲骨、中极、关元,辩证选取太溪、复溜、肾俞、会阳,留针30 min,30 d为1个疗程,共针灸3个疗程。对照组采用普通平补平泻针刺法;治疗组曲骨、中极、关元、太溪、复溜、肾俞、会阳采用飞法,其余穴位采用普通平补平泻针刺法,3个疗程后进行临床疗效和临床症状评分。结果 治疗组治疗总有效率为90.63%,高于对照组的68.75%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后,治疗组临床症状评分为(2.13±0.92)分,低于对照组的(3.24±1.14)分,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 飞法治疗中风后尿失禁,可显著改善患者尿意感、控制排尿能力,改善相关症状。
中图分类号:R246.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.04.050
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To observe the efficacy of Flying therapy in the treatment of urinary incontinence after stroke. Methods 64 patients with post-stroke urinary incontinence in our hospital were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 32 cases in each group. The treatment group and the control group took the same course of treatment,Take Neiguan, Renzhong or Yintang, Sanyinjiao, Baihui, Sishencong, Yongquan, Qugu, Zhongji, Guanyuan, dialectically select Taixi, Fusuo, Shenshu, Huiyang, and keep the needle for 30 min, 30 d is a course of treatment, a total of 3 courses of acupuncture. The control group was treated with ordinary Pingbu Pingxue acupuncture method; the treatment group was treated with curved bone, Zhongji, Guanyuan, Taixi, Fushen, Shenshu and Huiyang, and the other acupuncture points were treated with ordinary flat-filled acupuncture, 3 clinical efficacy and clinical symptom scores were obtained after one course of treatment. Results The total effective rate of treatment group was 90.63%, which was higher than that of the control group 68.75%,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the clinical symptom score of the treatment group was (2.13±0.92), which was lower than the control group (3.24±1.14) points, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Flying therapy for urinary incontinence after stroke can significantly improve the patient's urinary sensation, control urination ability and improve related symptoms.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Stroke;Urinary incontinence;Flying therapy
尿失禁(Urinary incontinence)是中风后常见症状,发病率为27%~58%,本病主要由于颅脑内出血或梗死导致两侧大脑半球的旁中央小叶不完全性受损,使排尿中枢对膀胱的反射抑制作用减弱,出现逼尿肌反射亢进而致[1]。各国每年用于脑卒中后尿失禁护理花费都很高,据统计美国每年用于此病的家庭护理花费高达110亿美元[2];Green JP等[3]报道,在澳大利亚和新西兰,用于此病患者的康复费用为185.6美元/d,而无尿失禁患者的费用为156.82美元/d。我国还无此项统计,但中风后尿失禁给患者带来很大痛苦,严重影响了生活质量,给家属增添很多麻烦。目前西医药物治疗禁忌症和副作用较多,且不能达到滿意的疗效[4]。中西医尚无规范的特效疗法,通过临床实践,采用飞法治疗取得了可喜成效,报告如下。, 百拇医药(郑淑云)
中图分类号:R246.6 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.04.050
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To observe the efficacy of Flying therapy in the treatment of urinary incontinence after stroke. Methods 64 patients with post-stroke urinary incontinence in our hospital were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 32 cases in each group. The treatment group and the control group took the same course of treatment,Take Neiguan, Renzhong or Yintang, Sanyinjiao, Baihui, Sishencong, Yongquan, Qugu, Zhongji, Guanyuan, dialectically select Taixi, Fusuo, Shenshu, Huiyang, and keep the needle for 30 min, 30 d is a course of treatment, a total of 3 courses of acupuncture. The control group was treated with ordinary Pingbu Pingxue acupuncture method; the treatment group was treated with curved bone, Zhongji, Guanyuan, Taixi, Fushen, Shenshu and Huiyang, and the other acupuncture points were treated with ordinary flat-filled acupuncture, 3 clinical efficacy and clinical symptom scores were obtained after one course of treatment. Results The total effective rate of treatment group was 90.63%, which was higher than that of the control group 68.75%,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the clinical symptom score of the treatment group was (2.13±0.92), which was lower than the control group (3.24±1.14) points, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Flying therapy for urinary incontinence after stroke can significantly improve the patient's urinary sensation, control urination ability and improve related symptoms.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Stroke;Urinary incontinence;Flying therapy
尿失禁(Urinary incontinence)是中风后常见症状,发病率为27%~58%,本病主要由于颅脑内出血或梗死导致两侧大脑半球的旁中央小叶不完全性受损,使排尿中枢对膀胱的反射抑制作用减弱,出现逼尿肌反射亢进而致[1]。各国每年用于脑卒中后尿失禁护理花费都很高,据统计美国每年用于此病的家庭护理花费高达110亿美元[2];Green JP等[3]报道,在澳大利亚和新西兰,用于此病患者的康复费用为185.6美元/d,而无尿失禁患者的费用为156.82美元/d。我国还无此项统计,但中风后尿失禁给患者带来很大痛苦,严重影响了生活质量,给家属增添很多麻烦。目前西医药物治疗禁忌症和副作用较多,且不能达到滿意的疗效[4]。中西医尚无规范的特效疗法,通过临床实践,采用飞法治疗取得了可喜成效,报告如下。, 百拇医药(郑淑云)