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我们不过是“ships that pass in the night”
http://www.100md.com 2018年11月1日 《知识窗》 2018年第11期
     美国诗人朗费罗在《路畔旅舍的故事》中,曾写过这样一首诗:“Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing. Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness;So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another. Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.”诗的大意是:夜色笼罩的海面上,有两艘小船相向而行,它们在某一刻交汇,擦肩而过,彼此朝着各自的轨道继续航行,不再相遇。而人生又何尝不是如此?我们与一些人偶然相遇,大家彼此相识,然后注定成为对方生命中的过客。

    在生活中,我们常常用朗费罗这首诗中的“ships that pass in the night”来表示人与人之间短暂的相遇,就像夜色中航行于海面的两艘小船。虽然仅有一面之交,但是其中的因缘际会能让彼此回味。下面,我们来看两个关于它的使用情境:

    Last week, a beautiful girl moved in my neighbourhood, and I helped her carry all things into her house. But yesterday she just moved away. So we were like two ships that passed in the night.


    Jack:“Hi, Tom. I’m just in town. Would you like to have a dinner with me?”

    Tom:“Oh, Jack, I was just away on my business trip.”

    Jack:“Too bad. It’s almost that we were two ships that passed in the night.”



    杰克:“真不凑巧。我们好像是注定要错过一样。”, 百拇医药(肖颖)