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http://www.100md.com 2014年9月1日 养生保健指南 2014年第9期

    关键词:保妥适 抗衰老 合理护理

    Abstract:This article through the adoption of insurance completed optimal injection method and reasonable nursing care to improve aging signs, then draw the conclusion: this method curative effect, work fast, adverse reaction, but also has reversible, good security, have yet to see reports of serious complications, the operation is convenient, is worth popularizing in clinical use.

    Key words:The optimum Anti-aging Reasonable care

    面部皱纹的形成与发展是人体衰老的外在表现,面部皱纹出现的早晚和程度存在一定的个体差异。面部老化的皮肤皱纹分为动力性、自然性、重力性及混合性皱纹等 ......

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