摘要:目的 分析先天性喉软骨软化症的病因及护理措施。方法 通过这类病人在输液过程中出现的反应,给予对症处理。结论 加强注射室护理人员应急能力,对不常见病种患者要注意观察和巡视,处理病人到位,避免病情进一步恶化,提高患者满意度。关键词:先天性喉软骨软化症 肺炎 门诊输液 护理
Abstract: Objective to analyze the causes of congenital laryngeal cartilage softening disease and nursing measures. Methods Through these patients appeared in the process of transfusion reaction, give symptomatic treatment. Conclusion emergency ability, strengthen the injection room nurses to common diseases of patients should pay attention to observation and patrol ......
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