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http://www.100md.com 2021年10月30日 云南中医中药杂志 2021年第10期
     崔新蕊 李梦如 秦竹

    摘要:卵巢早衰(POF)是指 40 岁以下的女性,出现了闭经、性腺机能亢进和不育症等症状[1]。在中医中属于“闭经”、“不孕”、“经水早断”等范畴。其被看作是一种社会化生活危机,患者承担着生理心理双重痛苦,心理痛苦又会进一步加剧生理痛苦。形神即心身并治为中医治疗原则,探讨张震研究员疏调气机思想下用疏调宁坤汤对卵巢早衰患者进行治疗的药物配伍中所体现的中医基础理论中的心身治疗思路,以期为此后相关受心理影响的疾病治疗提供思路。


    中图分类号:R711.75? 文献标志码:A? 文章编号:1007-2349(2021)10-0009-04

    【Abstract】[WTBZ]Premature ovarian failure (POF) refers to women under the age of 40 who have symptoms such as amenorrhea, hypergonadism, and infertility. In Chinese medicine, it belongs to the categories of "amenorrhea" "infertility", and "premature cessation of menstrual fluid". POF is regarded as a kind of socialized life crisis. The patient bears both physical and psychological pain, and the psychological pain will further aggravate the physical pain. The mind-body treatment is the principle of TCM treatment. Through the exploration of the mind-body treatment ideas of regulating the qi flowing in the channels by Zhang Zheng, the treatment of patients with premature ovarian failure with Shutiao Ningkun Decoction embodies the mind-body treatment ideas in the drug compatibility of the basic Chinese theories and is expected to provide more ideas for the treatment of related psychologically affected diseases. ......

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