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http://www.100md.com 2022年4月3日 云南中医中药杂志 2022年第3期
     江欣 王亿平



    中图分类号:R692? 文献标志码:A? 文章编号:1007-2349(2022)03-0001-03

    Prof. Wang Yiping's Experience in the Treatment of Chronic KidneyDisease Merged with Hyperuricemia

    JIANG Xin1, WANG Yi-ping2

    (1. Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230038, China;2. The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China)

    【Abstract】Prof. Wang Yiping believes that hyperuricemia is an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Monitoring serum uric acid and treating hyperuricemia are particularly important in delaying the progression of chronic kidney disease. Prof. Wang advocates that the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease combined with hyperuricemia should take “deficiency of the spleen and kidney, and the interaction of dampness, heat, blood stasis and toxin” as its base, and play equal stress in the treatment by means of invigorating spleen and kidney ......

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