7 赵明中,胡大一,姜立清等。非ST段抬高急性冠状动脉综合征的危险因素分析及早期干预。中华心血管病杂志,2005,33(2:53-157)。
8 Fox KA, Pool-willson P, Clayton Pc, et al.5-year outcome of interventional strate-gy in non-ST-elevatlon acute coronarysyndrome; the British Heart FoundationRITA3 randomised.trial.Lancet.2005,366:914-920.
9 Mehta SR, Cannon CP,Fox KA, et al.Routlnevs selectlve invaslve strategies in pa-tients with acute coronary syndromes:acolldborative meta-analysis of random-ized trial s.JAMA,2005,293:2908-2917.
10 赵明中,胡大一,等。早期有创干预对高危无ST段抬高急性冠状动脉综合征近远期预后的影响。中华内科杂志,2005,44(10):737-740.
11 ontalescot G, Dabbous OH, Lim MJ, et al.Relation of timing of cardiac catheter-ization to outcomes in patients withnon-ST-segment elevation myocardial in-farction or unstable angina pectorisenrolled in the multinatlonal globalregistry of acute coronary events.Am JCardiol, 2005, 95:1397-1403.
12 Neumann FJ, Kastrstl A,Pogatsa-Murray G,et al.Evaluation of prolonged an-tithrombotic pretreatment("cooling-off"strategy)before intervention in patientswith unstable coronary syndromes:a random-ized controlled triaLJAMA, 2003, 290:1593-1599.
13 R Andrew Archbold, Nicholas P Curzen.Therole of revascularisation in the man-agement of nonST elevation acute coro-narysyndromes:who should you referClinical Medicine, 2004, 4:3235.
[ 上 页 ], http://www.100md.com(郭晓铭)
7 赵明中,胡大一,姜立清等。非ST段抬高急性冠状动脉综合征的危险因素分析及早期干预。中华心血管病杂志,2005,33(2:53-157)。
8 Fox KA, Pool-willson P, Clayton Pc, et al.5-year outcome of interventional strate-gy in non-ST-elevatlon acute coronarysyndrome; the British Heart FoundationRITA3 randomised.trial.Lancet.2005,366:914-920.
9 Mehta SR, Cannon CP,Fox KA, et al.Routlnevs selectlve invaslve strategies in pa-tients with acute coronary syndromes:acolldborative meta-analysis of random-ized trial s.JAMA,2005,293:2908-2917.
10 赵明中,胡大一,等。早期有创干预对高危无ST段抬高急性冠状动脉综合征近远期预后的影响。中华内科杂志,2005,44(10):737-740.
11 ontalescot G, Dabbous OH, Lim MJ, et al.Relation of timing of cardiac catheter-ization to outcomes in patients withnon-ST-segment elevation myocardial in-farction or unstable angina pectorisenrolled in the multinatlonal globalregistry of acute coronary events.Am JCardiol, 2005, 95:1397-1403.
12 Neumann FJ, Kastrstl A,Pogatsa-Murray G,et al.Evaluation of prolonged an-tithrombotic pretreatment("cooling-off"strategy)before intervention in patientswith unstable coronary syndromes:a random-ized controlled triaLJAMA, 2003, 290:1593-1599.
13 R Andrew Archbold, Nicholas P Curzen.Therole of revascularisation in the man-agement of nonST elevation acute coro-narysyndromes:who should you referClinical Medicine, 2004, 4:3235.
[ 上 页 ], http://www.100md.com(郭晓铭)