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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月15日 李强



    摘 要 目的:探讨超声检查不同影像对乳腺直径≤2.0cm结节良恶性鉴别诊断价值。方法:乳腺健康查体发现并经手术病理确诊76例患者,87个最大直径≤2.0cm乳腺结节,对其超声影像表现进行分析。结果:乳腺经手术病理确诊76例患者87个结节,增生结节46例,纤维腺瘤6例,导管内乳头状瘤3例,乳腺癌32例。结论:乳腺结节不同超声声像图特征表现对乳腺良恶性小结节鉴别诊断具有不同价值,综合评估有利于正确诊断。

    关键词 超声检查 乳腺小结节 鉴别诊断

    The Differential Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography in Benign and Malignant Breast Nodules

    Li Qiang

    Shandong province,Binzhou,Zhouping country people's hospital,256200

    Abstract Objective:To explore the differential diagnostic value ultrasonography in benign and malignant breast nodules of diameter ≤2.0cm.Methods:76 patients were found during breast health examination and confirmed by operation and pathology.Ultrasonic imaging analysis were conducted on 87 breast nodules whose largest diameter≤2.0cm.Results:In 87 breast nodules of 76 patients who were confirmed by operation and pathology,46 cases of hyperplasia,6 cases of fibroadenoma,3 cases of intraductal papilloma,32 cases of breast cancer.Conclusions:Different ultrasonographic features are with different value in differentiating benign and malignant breast nodules diagnosis,comprehensive evaluation is helpful for the correct diagnosis ......
