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http://www.100md.com 2014年4月16日 《中国社区医师》 201415

    摘 要 本文阐述了中医对脾胃健康与长寿的关联性,以及脾胃湿热证、通肠护肺、脾胃保健、治未病等对长寿的影响。

    关键词 中医 脾胃健康 长寿

    Discussion on the correlation of longevity and health of spleen and stomach by traditional Chinese medical theory

    Wang Shirong1,Liu Liping1,2

    Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science(Jinan City,Shandong),2501001

    Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences hospital clinic(Jinan City,Shandong)2

    Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to elaborate the correlation of longevity and health of spleen and stomach by the traditional Chinese medical theory ......
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