【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the clinical care method of postpartum hemorrhage. Method:Summaried and analysed general nursing care and psychological situation to 28 cases of postpartum hemorrhage cases in our hospital in September 2007-November 2008. Result: according to emergency treatment and clinical care by doctors and nurses in our hospital, 28 cases of reduction of maternal postpartum hemorrhage, no deaths occur. Conclusion: The implementation of the general nursing care and psychological nursing care to reduce maternal postpartum hemorrhage, is to reduce the amount of maternal postpartum hemorrhage, it is one of an important means for mother and child health.
【key words】postpartum hemorrhage; Clinical care
【文章编号】1007-8231(2011)10-1723-02孕产妇死亡的4大原因是出血、感染、子痫、妊娠合并心脏病 ......
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