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【中图分类号】 R29【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1007-8517(2010)06-152-1
The effect of KuGanFang on 111 children with Abnormal Blood eczema eczema
Ying Zhuo,Huiling Wang,Hui Zhang,Nanling Yi,Jun Fang,Xiaoqin Wang
The Urumqi general hospital of Lan Zhou Military Command
【Abstract】:Objective:To investigate the effect of KuGanFang on eczema. Methods:111patients with eczema were randomly divided into two groups.The experimental group with83 patients were treated with KuGanFang liniment and the control group with 28 patients were treated with ErFuKang liniment. Results:The significantly effective rate and total cure rate in experimental group were higher than that in control(P<0.01). Conclusion:KuGanFang was effective in eczema with safe,especially in patients with Abnormal Blood eczema and was a good choice for the children.
苦甘方是新疆民间维药与中药结合治疗皮肤病的验方,在新疆已有数十年的使用历史。我科自2008年7月至2009年9月,应用苦甘方治疗111例儿童湿疹获得满意疗效,总结如下 ......