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http://www.100md.com 2010年3月1日 《中国民族民间医药·下半月》 2010年第3期



    Damages the grief sickness diagnosis brief analysis

    Wenjiang Chengdu Sichuantraditional Chinese medicine hospital (611130) HuangZhiquan

    [Abstract]:This article mainly the clinical grief symptom diagnosis treatment which from damages and so on human body forehead, chest,abdomen,spinal column as well as internal injury causes carries on the simple analysis and the elaboration,enhances the clinical diagnosing and treating effect.

    [Key word]:Damages the grief sicknessdiagnosisbrief analysis

    损伤疼痛是指人体受到外界不同因素的作用所引起的皮肤、筋骨、脏腑等组织的破坏而出现的一系列疼痛症状[1],在伤科领域中是为最常见的临床症候 ......
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