作者简介:安忠碧(1965-),女,彝族。E-mail :anzb010@163.com【摘 要】 《明代彝医书》收载了彝族治疗各类疾病的方剂226首,其中记载了大量治疗骨伤的方药。笔者对其治疗骨伤疾病用药特点进行了初步分析。
【关键词】 明代彝医书;骨伤疾病;用药特点
【中图分类号】R29 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2014)18-0006-02
The medicine characteristics, nanlysis of 《The book of Ming dynasty yi medical》 for the treatment of fractures
An zhongbi Zou pei
Kunming General Hospital of Cheng dou military, Yun nan, Kunming 650032,China
Abstract:《The book of Ming dynasty yi medical》 records 226 prescriptions of the yi peoples treatment of various diseases, which recorded a large amount of the formulas for the treatment of fractures. The author has made a preliminary analysis of the medication characteristic for the treatment of the bone disease.
Keywords:《The book of Ming dynasty yi medical》; The bone disease; The medication characteristic
彝族是我国西南地区最古老的民族之一 ......
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