【摘 要】 大柴胡汤出自《金匮要略》,临床运用广泛;小儿颌下腺炎为临床常见病,属于中医的“痄腮”范畴,本文就大柴胡汤运用于小儿颌下腺炎的有效治疗进行介绍,为临床治疗本病拓展思路。【关键词】 大柴胡汤;小儿颌下腺炎;《金匮要略》
【中图分类号】R249 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2016)01-0051-01
Abstract:Da Chai Hu Decoction,modified by Xiao Chai Hu Decoction,originated from"Jin Gui Yao Lue" with great value in clinical application.Pediatric submaxillaritis is common disease in clinic,belong to the "mumps" in TCM.This essay will introduce a effective case who suffering pediatric submaxillaritis treated by Da Chai Hu Decoction.
Keywords:Da Chai Hu Decoction;Pediatric submaxillaritis;“Jin Gui Yao Lue”
大柴胡汤出自《金匮要略》 ......
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