【摘 要】 整理分析《任之堂医经心悟记》一书中与气机运转相关的论述,以法天象地参人和、串起思维的珍珠链及大道至简、要言不烦三大方面为着力点参究中医的气机运转法则,体悟任老对运用气机运转法的广融会贯通与深入浅出,进而探讨气机运转法的涵义及临床运用。【关键词】 任之堂;气机;运转;中医
【中图分类号】R2-0 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2016)01-0053-02
Abstract:Arranging as well as analysing some massage about qi activity from the book the Ren Zhitang Medical Individuation to Englightenment.And the theory of "observing the environment and the people",“string the pearls of thinking" and “explaining the truth with the simplest language” were expounded to explore the running laws of qi activity.It showed that Mr.Ren used the running laws of qi activity comprehensively ......
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