【摘 要】慢性咳嗽在中医学中多属于“久咳”、“顽咳”等疾病范畴。张念志教授认为本病,病程长,常反复发作,病理性质多属本虚标实,以肺脾肾三脏亏虚为本,风邪、痰饮侵袭为其标,自创补肺脾肾、祛风化痰的慢咳方,临床疗效显著。【关键词】慢性咳嗽;慢咳方;名医经验;张念志
Abstract:Chronic cough belongs to the category of “long cough” and “stubborn cough” in traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Zhang Nianzhi believed that the disease had a long course and often recurred. Its pathological nature was deficiency of the lung, spleen and kidney, and invasion of wind pathogens and phlegm and drink. The self-created slow cough prescription for invigorating lung ......
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