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http://www.100md.com 2014年2月1日 中国民族民间医药·上半月 2014年第3期


    【中图分类号】R75863【文献标志码】 A【文章编号】1007-8517(2014)05-0033-02

    Abstract:Understanding, from the ancient physicians modern medicineand clinical TCM drugs to illustrate the "stasis" and psoriatic arthritis.The modern pathology study showed blood circulation drugs in thetreatment of psoriasis arthritis. Stressed the importance of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in psoriatic arthritis treatment.

    Keywords:from blood stasis; psoriatic arthritis

    银屑病关节炎是银屑病与关节炎同时存在的疾病 ......
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