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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月15日 《中国民族民间医药·上半月》 2017年第2期
     【摘 要】 “尼卡拉巴”是滇西北纳西族民间草药之一,其利用属于典型的民间药用知识。民间药用知识既是系统化民族药体系的补充,也是寻找制药工业新资源的重要来源,但相较于系统化的“官方”民族药体系,民间药用知识在研究中常常被忽视。民间药用知识分散及不成体系的特点往往造成其容易丢失,并且存在诸如“一药多源”等用药安全隐患。对这些知识进行调查记录整理并对相关植物进行考订就显得十分重要。基于此,从民族植物学角度,对“尼卡拉巴”的民间知识进行调查、整理和分析,并在此基础上对其进行了考订。结果表明,“尼卡拉巴”为龙胆科龙胆属、花锚属和獐牙菜属的14种植物,具有清热去火、保肝护肝、抗病毒的功效,用于感冒、上火、肝炎等病症。基于考订结果,推荐滇龙胆草、椭圆叶花锚、以及獐牙菜属的叶萼獐牙菜和丽江獐牙菜作为“尼卡拉巴”的正品使用。

    【关键词】 纳西族药;民间药;民族植物学;考订

    【中图分类号】R29 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2017)03-0124-07

    An Ethnobotanical survey on the local herb “Nikalaba” of Naxi people in Northwest Yunnan

    ZHANG Yu1,2 ZHANG Shuncang3 HE Liji1,4 YANG Xuefei1,2*

    1.Key Laboratory of Economic Plants and Biotechnology, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China;2.Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 999091, Myanmar;3.College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049, China

    Abstract:Naxi ethnic group which settle in Northwest Yunnan have accumulated abundant local knowledge of native medicinal plants such as “Nikalaba”. These scattered and fragmented knowledge was easy to be lost and might cause potential medicinal safety problems such as “multi-sources for one medicine”, although it has important significances for perfecting the systems of Ethnomedicine and drug discoveries in pharmaceutical industry. However, almost all of the previous studies on Naxi medicinal plants focused on the historical herbal books and systematical traditional Naxi medicine, while the local Naxi medicine was ignored. Therefore, the local medicinal knowledge need detailed surveys. In the present study, “Nikalaba” was surveyed as an example of local Naxi medicinal plants with Ethnobotanical methods. The results of the present study showed that “Nikalaba” were contained 14 species belonging to three genera of Gentianaceae. These plants were used to deal with Cold, heat and hepatitis by local Naxi people. Finally, based on our research results, we suggested touseGentiana rigescens, Halenia elliptica, Swertia calycina and S. delavayi as the authentic medicinal materials of “Nikalaba”.

    Keywords:Naxi Medicine; Local Medicine; Ethnobotany; Examining and Correcting

    云南西北部地區(滇西北)地形复杂,生境多样,是世界35个生物多样性热点地区之一[1-2]。滇西北地区同时具有极高的文化多样性,是众多民族的聚居地。基于生物与文化双方面的多样性,滇西北地区具有非常丰富的民族民间草药利用的传统和地方性知识。纳西族是滇西北的世居民族之一,主要聚居在以玉龙雪山为核心的丽江市及周边地区。在长期的生活实践中,纳西族群众逐渐掌握了一套与滇西北生态环境和自身文化相适应的地方民族医药理论、方法和体系[3],这里面最具代表的就是《东巴经》中的医药论述和二百年前成书的《玉龙本草》[4-6]。, 百拇医药(张宇 张顺仓 和丽姬 杨雪飞)
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